Lifestyle tips

How to handle the wife's fattening diet while staying fit?

I would like to know how one can handle two contrasting diets if he is the person which cooks in that household?
I am not looking to get fat or any less fit at all
Sweets and junk food I go without (haven't eaten fast food once since 2021) and don't have any temptation for
I would just like to know how to manage the time necesary for the procurement of missus's giant amount of food so that I consume as least amount of time possible on that task
Only I can cook as she dosen't want to and says neither knows how to cook

Time management has nothing to do with it.

You have two options. You can shop and cook for two different diets. If that's not feasible, you can shop for one diet and feed your wife more.

You will also need to stay on top of your fitness.
1 year

How to handle the wife's fattening diet while staying fit?

Time management has nothing to do with it.

You have two options. You can shop and cook for two different diets. If that's not feasible, you can shop for one diet and feed your wife more.

You will also need to stay on top of your fitness.

What might that unified diet include? I eat boiled oats and fried eggs once a day

Only boiled oats and fried eggs? Sir! Where are your veggies? Your fruits? What are you doing for calcium?

You are missing huge swaths of macro and micro nutrients. You are malnourished.

Tell me you at least take a multivitamin.
1 year

How to handle the wife's fattening diet while staying fit?

Only boiled oats and fried eggs? Sir! Where are your veggies? Your fruits? What are you doing for calcium?

You are missing huge swaths of macro and micro nutrients. You are malnourished.

Tell me you at least take a multivitamin.

I don't know what you are talking about I am satisfied with the one daily meal
What nutrients am I really missing? Don't oats have fibers?

First off, fiber isn't a nutrient. Your body cannot process it. It'a only purpose in your diet is to keep you regular.

Secondly, while eggs and boiled oats have nutritional value, they cannot provide you with everything you need. You will experience symptoms of nutritional deficiency if you aren't already experiencing them.

Check this link out to learn the basics of how this works.
1 year

How to handle the wife's fattening diet while staying fit?

First off, fiber isn't a nutrient. Your body cannot process it. It'a only purpose in your diet is to keep you regular.

Secondly, while eggs and boiled oats have nutritional value, they cannot provide you with everything you need. You will experience symptoms of nutritional deficiency if you aren't already experiencing them.

Check this link out to learn the basics of how this works.

Thank you but I am well satiated with one meal already,despite it being at most 1200kcal. I can go an entire day without eating and not even feeling hungry

That's all well and good, but you're old age won't thank you.
1 year

How to handle the wife's fattening diet while staying fit?

That's all well and good, but you're old age won't thank you.

What do you mean by this?

As I said before, you'll experience nutrition deficiency. This can cause a whole host of medical issues such as poor vision, poor dental health, brittle bones, cardio vascular conditions, liver problems, etc.

You're going to have these issues even when you are young, but it's so much worse than when you are older.
1 year