
What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I got into it on purpose in an attempt to deal with my selective eating disorder because medical interventions were not working since I still didn’t feel motivated enough to push past the disgust and nausea to eat more than a couple bites of anything at a time, even though I was actively starving to death, and I was desperate to find something that would work since I’d been threatened with institutionalization. I wasn’t that into it at first but you can get into anything if you try hard enough. It’s an unorthodox approach, but it did work. The eating disorder isn’t GONE but I was able to get to a healthy enough weight that even when I have a relapse and can’t stand food for a while it isn’t too dangerous and my doctor no longer threatens to institutionalize me since I’m no longer at risk of dying.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I got into it on purpose in an attempt to deal with my selective eating disorder because medical interventions were not working since I still didn’t feel motivated enough to push past the disgust and nausea to eat more than a couple bites of anything at a time, even though I was actively starving to death, and I was desperate to find something that would work since I’d been threatened with institutionalization. I wasn’t that into it at first but you can get into anything if you try hard enough. It’s an unorthodox approach, but it did work. The eating disorder isn’t GONE but I was able to get to a healthy enough weight that even when I have a relapse and can’t stand food for a while it isn’t too dangerous and my doctor no longer threatens to institutionalize me since I’m no longer at risk of dying.

So you weren’t AT ALL this way inclined before-hand?

I had already wanted to gain weight for a long time, but not for sexual reasons, rather out of concern for my health (My eating disorder has never been about body image but instead about hating to eat and being unable to tolerate most food. It’s just gross to me).

Actually, I hadn’t really had sexual interest in anything at all before. To some degree that was probably because I had spent my whole life severely underweight and just didn’t have the energy for it.

Even now, to gain weight I have to put in a huge effort because I genuinely, majorly dislike food and eating. It’s not as bad as it used to be: Outside relapses, I can usually tolerate eating at least a normal portion of foods I like, if only by thinking of it as a way to get my weight up or avoid losing weight and forcing it down, but even now, if I just “eat what I want” without forcing it that’s only a few hundred calories a day, maximum. When my eating disorder was very bad, it used to be that on a good day I could eat 4 or 5 bites at each meal if I spent a couple hours trying to eat it and on a bad day I just couldn’t eat. Selective eating disorder is a bitch.

I still rely on meal replacement shakes pretty heavily even when I’m not gaining and just need to maintain my weight, and during tough stretches I sometimes still have to take appetite stimulants to eat normal meals. But, if I do that stuff I can almost always manage at least 1500 calories a day, which is enough for me to not lose weight very fast and was not possible in the past even with those interventions, and when I get worked up enough and have time to dedicate to eating I can even consume a notable surplus and gain! It gets easier as time goes on so I hold out hope that one day it won’t be so much of an effort and I can just let go and enjoy it like other people here do.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I don't think anything in particular caused me to develop it.

I think it's totally normal and healthy for people to be attracted to fat bodies, and I just happen to be one of those who was born with those desires. Human sexuality is a pretty broad spectrum, much more so than our society would like us to believe.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I feel like the fat-admiration part of this was something I was born with, whereas the feeder desires developed BECAUSE I'm into fat men. A guy stuffing himself does nothing for me if he is thin.

I don't think I would fantasize about feeding anybody if I didn't stumble across feedists when I started looking for fat men pictures online. The moment I found one, I started associating feedism with the kind of person I'm physically attracted to, and that's when it became my kink.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

i mean, ever since i was a kid i was fat. and i always would pad my clothes when alone to look fatter than i was. and any cartoon that had that weight gain episode i would constantly rewatch, totally spies was probably the main one for me haha. so honestly i feel like its always been a part of who i am.
tho ngl there was a time i thought i was a feeder. but then obviously the more i thought about it the more i realized that i definitely was a feedee. i love gaining weight and being fat too much to want to feed someone else haha.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I was always one of, if not the, fat kids in school. I figured that if I just owned being fat the teasing wouldn't get to me. After a couple years when hitting puberty I started padding my clothes out of nowhere. And not just putting a pillow under my shirt, but shoving a whole blanket under so it would my belly sag. I would bunch up shirts and socks to put down my sleeves to make my arms bigger, around my thighs and calls to make them look bigger, right above the blanket to make it look like my moobs were so big they sat on my belly. Then I would just sit in my room and play video games or read books. If I was home alone I would walk around like that. One day as an adult I realized, why pretend to be fat when I can actually look like that.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I was always underweight as a kid and was told frequently to eat more, this and everyone around me being very overweight including all of my friends at the time is why I think i developed this. Slowly i began to admire weight gaining and would be jealous of my friend's bellies. Then I decided I would join them.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

For me my girlfriend was in to it and as I grew, I just found it hot af
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

For me its kind of a long story. I got into the feeder side of the kink from way back when I was a kid and saw that Tiny Toons episode where Babs get force fed carrot cake and fattened. I discovered the community when I was 14. Oh man I was one happy kid when I did.
Then I started reading some weight gain stories where its the woman fattening up a man, and started to get into that. Now I am really into size contrast and role reversal. I like when a very thin or fit woman is a feeder.
Its still a fantasy for me. I have no intentions of getting fat. I'm not opposed to becoming a feeder though.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I know for me I started out with a pregnancy fetish, but then as I went on I realized I also loved round bellies too! There was a girl at my school who was a teen pregnancy, and I had a crush on them even before. Then after they had their baby they got a really nice round belly. I remember back that was when I realized how much I actually enjoyed both fetishes.
1 year
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