Extreme obesity

Death feedists

The trick is to sabotage yourself. Stop moving whenever possible to lose muscle, force junk into your body and stretch your stomach, ruin your metabolism, and date an evil feeder. But the time you change your mind and want to live through the decade, you'll be helpless, addicted, and trapped even before immobility.


You have that special attitude a feeder like me seeks.
1 year

Death feedists

English Feeder:
As a feeder and enabler i have had plenty of time to think and reflect to where me and my partner are now. I remember walking miles along the seafront and sitting on a bench with my chubby girlfriend, eating fish and chips. Nowadays she can't stand for as long as a minute her legs and back can no longer support her weight. She can barely ride her mobility scooter and has recently gone into a wheelchair. We both know she has very limited mobility and she has made it very clear she wishes to continue gaining weight. Becoming fully immobile is a reality.
On the subject of Death feedists.
Being immobile and morbidly obese can increase the risk of illness and death.
But for my partner it's the thrill of being fat that drives her on. To put things in prospective. Smoking does kill people, but not everyone. Climbing mountains is a dangerous past time. A motor bike is more dangerous than a car. But many people are killed in car accidents. Doesn't stop people driving or being passengers in cars. Aeroplanes crash millions of people fly every year. Basically most things in life carry a risk but for my partner the outcome of being bedridden is worth the risk. Currently we are planning her immobility. With the view of minimising the risks involved. She knows what she wants. If she wishes to stop she has my full support.

This is the practical aspect of living one's life. As long as she does not combine riding a motorbike with eating to immobility then things will work out.
1 year

Death feedists

I've talked long with many men, mostly men, very fat men, into death federism, and a few seemed to be very delighted and seriously wished it, and I'm a real feeder who would feed anybody to the point he/she pass away of fatness, and enjoy the travel feeding and taking care up to the end.

There are people really into it, and if it is possible why dont go ahead and do it? Freedom to do with our lives whatever we like if web dont hurt others, so, it's perfect to me feed somebody to that point
1 year

Death feedists

I've always been conflicted on this topic.

I get aroused by the thought of making a woman humongous, but I don't know if I could do it IRL in good conscience.

Only situation in which I might be willing is if she had a terminal diagnosis and had always dreamed of being enormous. At that point it's easier to justify.
1 year

Death feedists

There's something terribly appealing about the idea of being tied to a bed for months and just massively overfed. You're moved around enough to hold off bedsores, and you're kept clean, despite the fact that you're not allowed to get up for the bathroom. But you're confined for months, and you put on over 100 lbs like that. Imagine the muscle atrophy! Your body would be useless jelly by the time your feeder undoes the cuffs. There's something delicious about the irony of being strapped to the bed when you definitely lost the ability to get up weeks or months ago.

This is exactly the kind of pig that I dream of acquiring. A helpless blob to care for and to play with...

Goddamn, this turned me on way too much, it sounds too perfect.

Ruin thyself, deliciously.

I am at a point in life I welcome to be able to indulge and enjoy food.being fed until I am immobile and then push my limits to death.
1 year

Death feedists

There's something terribly appealing about the idea of being tied to a bed for months and just massively overfed. You're moved around enough to hold off bedsores, and you're kept clean, despite the fact that you're not allowed to get up for the bathroom. But you're confined for months, and you put on over 100 lbs like that. Imagine the muscle atrophy! Your body would be useless jelly by the time your feeder undoes the cuffs. There's something delicious about the irony of being strapped to the bed when you definitely lost the ability to get up weeks or months ago.

This is exactly the kind of pig that I dream of acquiring. A helpless blob to care for and to play with...

Goddamn, this turned me on way too much, it sounds too perfect.

Ruin thyself, deliciously.

I am at a point in life I welcome to be able to indulge and enjoy food.being fed until I am immobile and then push my limits to death.
1 year

Death feedists

honestly its so hard to find people who are into this side of things, like, i very much am on the feedee end but every feeder i talk to just flat out isnt

You might need to talk to more or different feeders...
Regardless, I doubt many feeders would be interested in writing online that they are willing to allow someone to eat themself to immobility, then even fatter, then to some life ending event.
Some might discuss it "off the record", though.

I am fully willing to be their guide to death, come to me those who want to eat themselves to death
1 year

Death feedists

What a messed up fantasy :/

I must agree with you. Being fat is great enough, with your hanging belly, growing appetite, straining clothes on your growing girth and rounder thighs, are only part of what makes it sexy. So, why trap yourself in such enormous body prison that will make your life miserable.
11 months

Death feedists

What a messed up fantasy :/

I must agree with you. Being fat is great enough, with your hanging belly, growing appetite, straining clothes on your growing girth and rounder thighs, are only part of what makes it sexy. So, why trap yourself in such enormous body prison that will make your life miserable.
11 months

Death feedists

What a messed up fantasy :/

I must agree with you. Being fat is great enough, with your hanging belly, growing appetite, straining clothes on your growing girth and rounder thighs, are only part of what makes it sexy. So, why trap yourself in such enormous body prison that will make your life miserable.

Because some of us get off to that. Don’t judge if it doesn’t apply to you.
11 months