
Any accidental gainers on?

that or, people at the beginning of their gain journey? Let's talk backstory!

Hit me up, anybody is welcome. P.S. just got back from vacation and fuck am I fatter than ever. Wanna see?
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Around 15 years ago I injured my back and now it causes me tremendous pain to move around in any way.

The stress, ridiculous levels of pain and sudden sedentary life I now lead produced around 60lbs of visceral lard. I don't even look fat....more like very full.

I'm totally not a gainer and my body is far too weak to hold all this weight. I hate my new self, tremendously regret my avoidable injury and feel like every particle of my being is rotting like a zombie due to nerve pain.

Not exactly a happy story, but well...there we are....
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Around 15 years ago I injured my back and now it causes me tremendous pain to move around in any way.

The stress, ridiculous levels of pain and sudden sedentary life I now lead produced around 60lbs of visceral lard. I don't even look fat....more like very full.

I'm totally not a gainer and my body is far too weak to hold all this weight. I hate my new self, tremendously regret my avoidable injury and feel like every particle of my being is rotting like a zombie due to nerve pain.

Not exactly a happy story, but well...there we are....

I am so sorry about what happened, and that you hated what it did to your body...but you know that weight loss is 90% about diet.. it might take longer but it is possible especially when combined with low impact cardio on the good days when you don't feel as bad (might help with the rotten zombie thing) ... I believe it is possible if you did small adjustments to your diet.
Obviously I know this is your life/body, and you know it better than anybody, so I am not here trying to be condescending.. I understand it's very difficult... I am just trying to give you a little encouraging push, maybe that will help.
Get well soon.
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Sorry guys, a little bit of a cry for help I suppose...

But anyway, I'll take any and all advice at this point, so thank you very much!
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Sorry guys, a little bit of a cry for help I suppose...

But anyway, I'll take any and all advice at this point, so thank you very much!

Hey man, I sympathize. I will offer any and all helpful tips that I can, but I also lean more still towards my usual response in situations like this - while i'm still sorry to hear, and to see someone suffering, I like to at the very least take the shame and embarrassment out of the equation while they ARE trying to navigate out of it. So, I might not play the encourager role as its against your wishes, that doesnt mean I cant sweeten the time you're in it by a little, maybe turn that embarrassed frown into a kind of curious fatter thrill.

Did I say fatter? I mean flattered.
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Around 15 years ago I injured my back and now it causes me tremendous pain to move around in any way.

The stress, ridiculous levels of pain and sudden sedentary life I now lead produced around 60lbs of visceral lard. I don't even look fat....more like very full.

I'm totally not a gainer and my body is far too weak to hold all this weight. I hate my new self, tremendously regret my avoidable injury and feel like every particle of my being is rotting like a zombie due to nerve pain.

Not exactly a happy story, but well...there we are....

Do you have any pain management care? Physical therapy, occupational therapy, medication, etc? It should help with the daily pain.

Water based exercises are good for people who have mobility issues. It's low impact and the water gives your body some support.

If you can stand it, having daily walks will help. Push yourself, but not to the point you can't stand it.

Also, if you haven't looked into it, get a nutritionist. Or at the very least cut out processed foods from your diet.
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Agree with the above comments. Check with your health insurance and see who is covered by your network. Ask for recommendations from friends for good physical therapists, chiropractors or acupuncturists (or Google reviews).
Once your pain abates, you will feel more motivated to do other things to help your body (i.e. nutrition, better sleep, etc).
Good luck!
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Yeah, me.

I'm watching my diet, counting every calorie and barely ever allow myself to have any the good stuff.

Yet, it's undeniable, not only am I not losing weight, I'm slowly but surely gaining. How is that even possible?

It's as if my body is making fat from air.

I see people here enjoying their food, eating all the things I miss so much until they are stuffed: cake, donuts, cookies, ice cream, french fries... I envy them...

I wish I could do that but if I ate like this myself I'd get huge in no time.

I can't afford to keep buying larger clothes, but my whole wardrobe is size XS and I'm closer to a size S and soon... M.

Why the heck is my metabolism so slow? I didn't have my thyroid checked in a while but I bet it's not that. Premenopause already? If it is I'm terrified of menopause.

The almost non existent layer of fat I had on my abdomen has become a small paunch that keeps getting thicker and softer. When I drive my car I swear I can FEEL it jiggle a little.

It's weird because, as much as I hate my belly, I get so horny whenever I need to suck in to squeeze into my size 25 jeans.

They still button, but the fabric digs into my flesh and the zipper keeps unzipping a little.. I keep checking to make sure it's still all the way up.

At least, if I wear a hoodie, I can still hide it but at some point people will notice.

Already I can only imagine what my friends, family, coworkers... must be thinking or saying behind my back.

"She used to be so thin, what happened?"

"Maybe she's pregnant?"

"She has a small muffin top now!"

When I started at this job people kept telling me how skinny I was and asking me for diet tips on how to lose weight.

In the last months, at least 3 people told me that I look "healthier". Which means even my face is getting fatter.

I've always loved fat... on other people. Enjoyed the contrast the sharpness of my bones and the warmth of their fat.

I'm totally freaking out. What should I do?
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

Am I the only one in this situation?
1 year

Any accidental gainers on?

And you were not fat before? Or you were but you thought you were maintaining and you realized you weren't?
1 year
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