
Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

I only just checked today so I don't know for how long this has been the case, but this link I used to go to the repository of stories is dead...
A real shame. There were a lot of decent pieces of writing.

I did manage to save almost all of the stories from "Ashley" and "Stuffa", tho. They all involve fat-admirer women and fat men. If someone wants to read them, I can share them here.
1 year

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

That is an older website, so perhaps they do a little purging every now and then?

Possibly reach out their Admin and let them know what you are looking for. They should be able to help you find those stories / an active link.
1 year

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

Do you have Mrs. Chin?
1 year

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

Raboot The Admirer:
I only just checked today so I don't know for how long this has been the case, but this link I used to go to the repository of stories is dead...
A real shame. There were a lot of decent pieces of writing.

I did manage to save almost all of the stories from "Ashley" and "Stuffa", tho. They all involve fat-admirer women and fat men. If someone wants to read them, I can share them here.

Looking into it, the entire Dimensions site is excluded from the Wayback Machine.
1 year

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

Are you kidding me?

Tbh, the quality of stories on there were still better than the ones on here (on average). A big part of that had to do with Dims (feedism really) being so niche at the time, that it was mostly relegated to an older crowd being on there.

Certainly the "weight room" or stories section on there (that was last updated in 2005), was a revalation to many of this kink. It will be missed.
1 year

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

Are you kidding me?

Tbh, the quality of stories on there were still better than the ones on here (on average). A big part of that had to do with Dims (feedism really) being so niche at the time, that it was mostly relegated to an older crowd being on there.

Certainly the "weight room" or stories section on there (that was last updated in 2005), was a revalation to many of this kink. It will be missed.

To be clear, the website as it exists today is very much still there. It's simply excluded from the Wayback Machine.
1 year