
Is there a way to gain weight in the right places

Same but i like it. I don’t think that you can influence where your fat goes
1 year

Is there a way to gain weight in the right places

You can’t so much influence location, but some people claim your diet and exercise can change which type of fat. If you want more soft/subcutaneous fat, then getting some exercise in while gaining weight will be very beneficial.
1 year

Is there a way to gain weight in the right places

IME, and based on research I've read, it seems likely that diet could have a *little* effect on where fat is stored, but genetics and hormones matter the most.

However, people do not always gain at the same rate in the same locations; for example, you might find that most of your new fat is going to your thighs and butt now, but it might go to your belly more as you grow! Esp. since you're a guy
1 year

Is there a way to gain weight in the right places

I've wondered about that too. I have a bit more gut and less ass than I prefer. In fact, if I get out a tape measure, the thickest part of the gut if larger around than my ass, and the waistline (where the wasitband sits) tapers in only a little bit.

Really wish I had more ass and thighs. I'm kind of afraid that if I continue I'll look like an inflated beachball with skinny limbs, which would not be a good look. It's been one of my disappointments so far.

Suppose I'll keep trying to gain more and see what happens, but I've sometimes thought this might be a showstopper. Maybe I should try the heavy cream challenge.
1 year