Your a fake and a scam all your here for is money. So everyone just warning you!
Hey man, Idk what beef you have with her, but this ain't it chief. Because this comes across as you harassing her for either turning you down or you raging over her selling videos of her feedist content.
If she is a scammer, send your proof to the admin team. They'll take care of it. Either way, don't do ... this weird tantrum thing you've got going on.
Thank you Munchies, for clearly laying out the situation.
To Thegreat1906: i do not happen to have mod powers in this forum section, else i’d likely have at least given you a warning else pulled your posts and given you a warning.
As Munchies points out, the correct avenue for issues is privately contacting the FF mod team, not publicly impugning someone’s reputation.
Your behavior in this thread appears to violate rule 3. Respect others. I urge you and everyone who’s not done so recently (or ever) to review the FF site rules, available at: back to our regular Barely fitting in booth topic.