Feedback and suggestions

Blocking all content from specific user

If a specific user is blocked would it be possible to not see any content from that person? At least photos and stories? Or give option to Block content from that person so it doesn't show up. So People do not have to deal with content that makes them uncomfortable in more basic searches
1 year

Blocking all content from specific user

If a specific user is blocked would it be possible to not see any content from that person? At least photos and stories? Or give option to Block content from that person so it doesn't show up. So People do not have to deal with content that makes them uncomfortable in more basic searches

As I understand it, blocking a person means they cannot send you any private chats or direct messages. Since content is publically available (sans premium content) you would still be able to access their content.
1 year

Blocking all content from specific user

I understand that, that is why I am asking of it would be possible to add such feature if it doesn't exist yet
1 year