Fat experiences

First out of control moment

So this is an interesting topic for me, as I've struggled with low impulse control as it pertains to food for most of my life. It's only been in the past few years that I've had to get a handle on it.
1 year

First out of control moment

When did you first realize your self control has slipped more than you thought? Or is there a time that just really surprised you?

For me: just now…. I stole a bottle of coffee creamer out of the office fridge, smuggled it to my office, and drank it. I feel so guilty but I was so hungry and it feels so good to be full again…. I know I’m a horrible person. I’ll replace it I promise.

I experienced something like that but as a feeder.

Normally, my hard limit is whatever my partner's hard limit is. I'm a domme, a sadist, and enjoy extreme weight gain. But when you get a partner who loves it as intensely as you can give it? Really hard to say no.
1 year

First out of control moment

my only limit is how much food I have on hand. Which is a lot, one of my cabinets is full of chips cookies lil snack cake things etc. I go threw it in about a week
1 year

First out of control moment

I have moments like this as well! Altho they might not be as extreme as anyone else's. But what i see happening is that when I'm in college, i always go qnd eat gyros. Not at all because i might be hungry, but because I'm litteraly horny in the moment and want to get fat! And like 4 hours later I'll feel guilty about it but it'll be too late! However i will just repeat it next day!
1 year

First out of control moment

My wife and I combine for about 550 pounds, so our control is pretty much non-existent ;-)
1 year

First out of control moment

I have had only one out-of-control moment. I wanted to see what it was like to just give into mindless gluttony. Just sit on the couch and eat boxes of doughnuts without a thought or care of what I was doing. It was great! I would love to be that way any and everywhere. 🐷🐖
1 year

First out of control moment

I have a coworker of my moms who has access to hundreds of the Easter Cadbury eggs !
At first it was pretty nonchalant, one every few days or so.
Then one a day.
Then two.
I think I’m eating five a day now? The desire to just eat the whole bag at once grows constantly.

How long til I give in? Who knows.
1 year