Chat/Role play

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

It is important to know what you like.

Take the fattening quiz:
What would you like to be:
A price pig/porker
Captive of a cannibal tribe
Abducted by trolls

2. What’s the goal:
Not able to move any more

3. Where do you want the fat the most:
Butt and belly

4. When should you be fat enough:
Before Thanksgiving
Before Christmas
Before the next cannibal barbecue party
No fixed date

5. Where should the fattening take place:
In a Hansel and Gretel style cage
In a modern cage in the kitchen
In an old fashioned barn

6. How should often the evaluation take place:
Once a day
Once a week
Ounce a month
When it seems a am fat enough

7.Who should do the evaluation:
1.Your feeder
2. A pig farmer
3. Three modern day witches

What food should be used to fatten you up:
Left overs
Healty (eco) like peanut butter, oats, cereals, muesli
Cakes, apple pie, chocolate, Ice cream and lots of cream and sugar

9.How much time may the fattening take:
As short as possible, my feeder is hungry
It may take a longer time to get me really very fat
Until the date I will be on the menu
As long as takes to get the best result. I want to be prime meat

10 What will happen if you don’t eat as you are told and are not getting fat enough:
After a warning you get a spanking on your bare butt
After a warning you are caged
After a warning you are forced fed once or twice a week
For male porkers: after a warning you get female hormones or you loose your balls

11. When you are ready you should:
Go straight into the cannibals cauldron
Get spitted or on the barbecue
Go straight into the oven
Enter into a contest to win a price for the best porker/Hansel/Gretel

12.If you choose 4 in question 11 what is your favorite option:
Be evaluated by the jury and if you become the price pig/Hansel/Gretel, you are sold to the highest bidder.
Be evaluated by the jury and have your price parts sold separately to the highest bidders
Put on display as an example for other farmers/cannibals and witches
Become a lifestyle coach/nutritionist for meatlovers
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

Spekbil 123:
It is important to know what you like.

Take the fattening quiz:
What would you like to be:
A price pig/porker
Captive of a cannibal tribe
Abducted by trolls

2. What’s the goal:
Not able to move any more

3. Where do you want the fat the most:
Butt and belly

4. When should you be fat enough:
Before Thanksgiving
Before Christmas
Before the next cannibal barbecue party
No fixed date

5. Where should the fattening take place:
In a Hansel and Gretel style cage
In a modern cage in the kitchen
In an old fashioned barn

6. How should often the evaluation take place:
Once a day
Once a week
Ounce a month
When it seems a am fat enough

7.Who should do the evaluation:
1.Your feeder
2. A pig farmer
3. Three modern day witches

What food should be used to fatten you up:
Left overs
Healty (eco) like peanut butter, oats, cereals, muesli
Cakes, apple pie, chocolate, Ice cream and lots of cream and sugar

9.How much time may the fattening take:
As short as possible, my feeder is hungry
It may take a longer time to get me really very fat
Until the date I will be on the menu
As long as takes to get the best result. I want to be prime meat

10 What will happen if you don’t eat as you are told and are not getting fat enough:
After a warning you get a spanking on your bare butt
After a warning you are caged
After a warning you are forced fed once or twice a week
For male porkers: after a warning you get female hormones or you loose your balls

11. When you are ready you should:
Go straight into the cannibals cauldron
Get spitted or on the barbecue
Go straight into the oven
Enter into a contest to win a price for the best porker/Hansel/Gretel

12.If you choose 4 in question 11 what is your favorite option:
Be evaluated by the jury and if you become the price pig/Hansel/Gretel, you are sold to the highest bidder.
Be evaluated by the jury and have your price parts sold separately to the highest bidders
Put on display as an example for other farmers/cannibals and witches
Become a lifestyle coach/nutritionist for meatlovers

Would love to do this with u some time.
1. Hansel
2. Obese
3. Everywhere
4. Next Barbecue Party
5. In a Hansel and Gretel style cage
6. Once a month
7. Three witches
8. Cakes and sweet stuff
9. As long as it takes to get the best result
10. Force feeding
11. Entry into a contest
12. Be evaluated and sold
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

Let us start the Hansel contest and see who will be the price Hansel. My witch checked on me to day. I will post the result to morrow.
She likes the challenge to fatten up male meat.
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

Roleplay Piggy/Hansel contest.

There are more Hansels and pigs than witches/cannibals.
My witch liked the idea of organising a Pig/Hansel (P/G) contest.

It is fair to have different categories. For ordinary P/H the criteria are just weight and amount of fat.
But prime meat and special cuts needs special attention to get the best result.
If you want to have your P/H fattened up before Thanksgiving or Christmas, you have to start now.
If you want to have a special kind of meet (A Hansel which will become Serrano Ham) you have to get muscle and fat. By september it should be clear wether P/H gets the big fat butt that’s needed. By November the P/H should be ready for the butcher. The ham has to be salted and dried before the festive season.

The P/H could start with fattening up. And have checked on a weekly basis whether they gained and wether their butt have grown bigger. By September an expert panel can choose the price pig in the different categories. The winners get a full report from chefs and food lovers with details on how to prepare the P/H. What kind of wine should be served with the main course and how to proceed with the fattening.

The expert panel wishes to see some pictures and/or video by September the 10th.
The P/H that loose will be sold at an auction to the highest bidders. Witches and other cannibals kan join the auction and buy/sell some prime meat for affordable prices.

Pigs/Hansels/Gretels: Get yourself assessed tot join the contest to become price H/P/G

Assessment Hansel/Pig (H/P) Bacon butt 123

Goal: Two delicious Iberian style hams for Christmas ore Eastern Brunch. Prime meat Eco style

Possible: Yes

April - september: Fattening up til H/P reaches 92/95 Kilo’s

September evaluation of the fattening especially the fattening of the buttocks. It is more difficult getting males with big buttocks. Use of female hormones is prohibited within the EU. So H/P might loose something between his legs. Makes him docile but the taste can become less unique.
Date 10th of September.

September oktober. Fattening in a cage, if needed forced feeding. When not yet fat enough fattening until February is an option.
Advice on holding: Outside in summer. From September in a suitable cages in a warm place. F. Ex.Kitchen

Inspection: Healthy male. Good quality muscle but lacking fat. Docile and shy. Undressed from the belly button to the knees gave the following results:

Belly 110 cm. Nice and soft. Some fat.
Buttocks 105 cm. Lots of muscle but lacking fat
Thighs; 60 cm. Some fat but could use more.

Discipline: If needed cage, spanking, tube feeding.
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

I love this kind of scenario so much! Like, I love the idea of being fattened up to be devoured!

Do you like the scenario where you are oblivious to the intent of the tribe, where you are being treated like a guest, with everyone feeding and pampering you even carrying you around, or do you prefer the scenario where you are forced to feed until you are fat enough?

Honestly, I love both a lot! Both have their perks, and just ooooh, being oblivious until I'm too big to resist then the tribe showing their true intentions and force-feeding me even bigger for the feast!
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

My witchy feeder needs advice

I need advice from an expert on male meat. (Gender doesn’t matter, Ham is ham and bacon is bacon)
I did ask my female foodie friends, and they said I should ask chefs and predators which have an expertise on male meat.

The hog has done his job and gets to old and to heavy. What should i do with him?
He is 100 % organic and that makes me reluctant to sell the meat to an discounter.
Maybe I can use the hams to get some Iberian style hams?

The alternative would be get him loose something between the hams and get him fat enough to make sausages. But that is really plan B.

Plan A would be to fatten him up for the festive season. The hams should be ready for processing by november.

By the 16 of september I will aks my foody friends an the local butcher what they think about it.
Can I get him fat an juicy by november? I am still waiting for advice on the wines fitting to these hams.

I think he is to old for an spit roast or turkey style in the oven

Predators and fellow witches
Whats your opinion?

(For Germans: Edelschinken oder ab in die Wurst?)
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

1. Hansel/Pig/Porker
2. Not able to move
3. Everywhere
4. No fixed date, but I wouldn't say no to being a Christmas ham, gives me a goal
5. In a Hansel and Gretel style cage
6. Once a week, pulling me out of my cage
7. Witches
8. Cakes
9. Prime Meat
10. Spanked/Force fed
11. Oven
12. Displayed, to show others my feeder's prowess in fattening me up
1 year

Abducted by a cannibal tribe of amazons

Good advice!
1 year
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