
Telling girlfriend about my kink

I suspect that these things work the best with subtle hints. It's a sort of dance - you start with something very subtle and perhaps playful that's ambiguous enough to be explained away in an innocent manner if she is not into it, but that would pique her interest if she is. If she responds in a way that seems encouraging, you can reply with something very slightly less subtle, and then keep going from there.
1 year

Telling girlfriend about my kink

So I’m a feedee. I’ve known my girlfriend for a few years now and so she has seen me at both my lowest and heaviest weights, and she has admitted to realizing she had feelings for me when I was at my heaviest weight. She didn’t phrase it that way, but as I thought about the timeline I realized it coincided.
We’ve been dating for a few months now, and she’s always trying to include me in her hobbies except for one. She’s fairly slim, and likes keeping active so she goes to the gym at least twice a week, and goes on frequent runs. She’s never asked me to go with her, unlike any other activity where she’ll always ask for me to go with her.
I just don’t know how to tell her. At the very least I do think she has an appreciation for fat bodies, but I don’t know how to tell her about the actively gaining part of it.

There are a lot of ways to go about it. Personally, I prefer the upfront and honest approach. But if you aren't the brassy type, there are more subtle ways to do it.

Look at something that features a woman that's bigger than you ever were. Doesn't matter what. Could be a show, movie, a picture - anything will do. Say something along the lines of "Would you be attracted to me if I was that big?" Then proceed from there.

Alternatively, you could start looking a images and videos of plus-sized models and actresses who are bigger than you ever were. Say your girlfriend "She's so pretty, don't you think?" Keep finding increasingly bigger plus-sized models. Once you find one that's the size you want to be or find out what her limit is, say "Do you think I could be a plus-sized model?"

She'll picture you about the size of the most recent model, and you can go from there.
1 year

Telling girlfriend about my kink

Hinting is not the way to go! I actually wrote how to broach this subject a couple of years ago complete with a script. It's mostly written from a feeder's perspective but it's easy enough to flip around as a feedee.
1 year

Telling girlfriend about my kink

Hinting is not the way to go! I actually wrote how to broach this subject a couple of years ago complete with a script. It's mostly written from a feeder's perspective but it's easy enough to flip around as a feedee.

Reading through this is good advice for any kink you're introducing your partner to.
1 year

Telling girlfriend about my kink

Hinting is not the way to go! I actually wrote how to broach this subject a couple of years ago complete with a script. It's mostly written from a feeder's perspective but it's easy enough to flip around as a feedee.

So update I actually did tell my girlfriend a few days ago and it went pretty well! Thank you for the advice! She’s actually been pretty receptive as she said that she does like my roundness lol. Also, completely unprompted she’s started referring to me as piggy which has been appreciated.

Ayyyy!! Love a success story. Very sexy and very sweet. Kudos for being honest with her.
1 year