Extreme obesity

How big of a belly do you want?

I don't know how many inches, but I want it to hang low enough to hide my underwear when I'm standing ☺️

😳😳 Goals
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I don't know how many inches, but I want it to hang low enough to hide my underwear when I'm standing ☺️

You’re well on your way, Tub :-)
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

Minimum to my knees, but hope for lower, then i can push it about on a trolley
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I want my belly to be so big it spills over my knees when I'm sitting. So big that I have to lift it to use the restroom. So big that it completely covers my groin even when standing. So big that it makes me scared of stairs. I NEED it to be so big that it's a burden!
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I've read that the average waist measurement for people who play Santa is 60 inches. I'm at 50 inches now, so putting on at least 10 more inches is my goal. I think I would have to weigh around 280 to 310, so an increase of 60 to 90 pounds. Overall, I would like to have very wide love handles overhanging my hips and a belly apron that droops down to mid thigh. I'm not exactly sure how much weight I would need to get that look.
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I want it to force my legs apart as I lay in bed gorging and getting softer
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

at the moment my belly is already falling well on my thighs... which bothers me when I try to walk ahah but if it fell any lower than my knees it would be such a dream
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

That sounds wonderful
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I want my belly to be so big that if I try to go on my hands and knees they won't be able to reach the ground because my belly is too big
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I want my belly to become massive but still mobile. I still would love to show it off by the pool or anywhere
1 year
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