Extreme obesity

How fat would you like to be?

I don't know why but there are plenty down there. To them, the fatter that they could make their husband proved to other women from other families that they could take care of their men the best. I was telling my friend NYCBellyBlimp weeks ago about how I am most got recruited into their little group but I was too fearful because the males in the group were to the point of no return and they were no longer the men; they were just the FAT. There comes a time in a male feedees life when he has to make a choice of either he is going to eat so much that he can't have sex because there is too much fat between he and her and it's mostly his fat or he is going to have to stop. Those dudes only scared about the food and I like food but these dudes were Sitophiliacs.

I am really intrigued. First, because it turned me on, second because I think I would love to write a story about this one day.
So tell me more!

Well, the only things that I can tell you are that they kill their men with kindness and there is a reason why these dudes eat themselves into oblivion. Every week we met up and we fat men just chilled out and grazed while our women sipped mimosas and enjoyed themselves. I disappeared from my feabie page two years ago because I was fully-fledged into the life. I had surpassed any weight that I had met before and she wanted more. Eventually, you have to reframe how you see yourself because I was always an athlete and now I had gotten so big that she had to help me get my shirts on and here texts she sent would encourage me more.

Do they.. uh... Still do this? Know anybody looking for a guy to fatten? 😳😳😳
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I wanna be absolutely massive with a huge gut and a pair of huge boobs resting upon it. I am most likely trans and if i could get a female body the first thing i would do with it is get it to at least 300 lbs. But my goals would be to train my muscles as well. Become absolutely massive and strong and fat, that is the dream!
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I want to become a Huge Fat Obeast Hog Monstrosity aiming at currently 300... then who knows withthe right mutual gay gainer
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

Let’s start with the triple digits on the weight scale and then we will see!
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I'm 325 at the moment, and I feel like that's not fat enough. When I was 370, I let a doctor who was concerned about my blood pressure and cholesterol scare me into a diet for the first time in my life. I got to around 190 or 200, which was the smallest i'd been since before high school. I really didn't like the way I looked and felt, and by then I was with my partner, who has helped me regain. At the moment, I'm putting on 10-15 pounds a month, which has me at 400 by year's end. 350 for me seems to be where I cross over from very fat to looking much fatter than you commonly see in public. My end goal, and limit for now, is 500. At that point, my belly should be around 90 inches, which would be a dream come true for my partner and me. Sometimes we fantasize about what happens if I get there, but by then, I'm so sedentary and HUNGRY, I can't stop. It wouldn't be practical to just grow infinitely fatter, but it is a fun thought.
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I fantasize about positively inhuman sizes, all the way down to my current reality. I'd love to put 70lbs more on my body irl, but I'm not sure that's doable since I'm not willing to risk my health. (Too much? 🤣)
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I want to be at least 160 kilo but in an ideal I will go for over 250 kilos if my body resist the gain
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

I want to be at least 160 kilo but in an ideal I will go for over 250 kilos if my body resist the gain

I know it's elegant and fun, but think of how much you'd gain if you quit smoking. Just a thought...
1 year

How fat would you like to be?

In fantasy only.

700+ kilos, just for playing female dominators.

So fat, so don’t be able to put my belly back from chest, when I lying on bed and covered with my belly.

Belly also must cover my head, and I still be possible to be rided.

Seems it the last stage of obesity in my fantasies
10 months

How fat would you like to be?

300 lbs for now, because I lack a feeder/partner. 500 if I do find one.
8 months