
What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?

Based on my interaction with a previous feedee, it's possible. However, you have to go balls to the walls hard to achieve that. We're talking an excess of 10k calories a day. We were horny and dumb.

It's not sustainable, and it can mess up your internals. I do not recommend it.

I am sure a fair amount was water. But yes he was hitting around 10,000 kcal a day when he was working from home.
And no it is not healthy, hence not done anymore. Ngl though…watching him gain that fast was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed.

Oh yeah, it was super hot. I'm into extreme weight gain, so seeing him blow up like mad was really arousing.

However, he was reckless with this health, and that's one of the many reasons he's no longer my feedee.

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?

Based on my interaction with a previous feedee, it's possible. However, you have to go balls to the walls hard to achieve that. We're talking an excess of 10k calories a day. We were horny and dumb.

It's not sustainable, and it can mess up your internals. I do not recommend it.

I am sure a fair amount was water. But yes he was hitting around 10,000 kcal a day when he was working from home.
And no it is not healthy, hence not done anymore. Ngl though…watching him gain that fast was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed.

Oh yeah, it was super hot. I'm into extreme weight gain, so seeing him blow up like mad was really arousing.

However, he was reckless with this health, and that's one of the many reasons he's no longer my feedee.

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?

In half a year, he'd gained about 100 lbs. He got obsessed with heavy cream shakes. He'd consume about 10k of the stuff daily at the bare minimum.

The problem is that he stopped eating solid foods. Everything was about getting as fat as fast as possible. And in his mind, drinking his calories made more sense than eating.

There was a noticeable behavior shift as well. When we first met, he was this funny, thoughtful nerd with many interests. He was doing well in life overall. But about two or three months into being like this, he left all his responsibilities to the wayside.

His cognitive skills nose-dived. He was making a lot of dumb decisions, and we got into a lot of arguments. If I had enough sense, I'd have dumped him at this time. But I felt responsible, so I stayed.

Unfortunately, he started pulling away from me and ignoring my requests for medical updates. I wanted to make sure he stayed relatively healthy. He wanted to keep getting fat. And I also suspect there was an element of shame too. Kept going on about how he didn't deserve me.

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Bizarre and sad. A few people I've known quickly went from generally good to nasty and narcisistic. Trying to figure out why made me depressed if I spent too much time at it.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Bizarre and sad. A few people I've known quickly went from generally good to nasty and narcisistic. Trying to figure out why made me depressed if I spent too much time at it.

You made a mistake when you shortened my response. You attributed my words to someone else.

Anyway, the things you eat play a huge roll with your mental health. Sure, that bacon mac and cheese might feel comforting, but if you don't get all the nutrition you need, your mentals will go down the toilet.

Some gainers and feedees try to overcome this issue by taking a multi-vitamin while they gorge on junk food. While the multi-vitamin helps, the overabundance of constant sugar, salt, and fat negates some of the mental health benefits.

A good weight gain diet has balance. You need to eat healthy food to function, but you can still indulge on junk food. If you don't have that balance, you won't function as well.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

I want to make it abundantly clear that I understand eating well won't cure depression - especially chronic depression. It helps, but it's not a cure.

I am only referring to how malnutrition impacts mental health.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?

Based on my interaction with a previous feedee, it's possible. However, you have to go balls to the walls hard to achieve that. We're talking an excess of 10k calories a day. We were horny and dumb.

It's not sustainable, and it can mess up your internals. I do not recommend it.

I am sure a fair amount was water. But yes he was hitting around 10,000 kcal a day when he was working from home.
And no it is not healthy, hence not done anymore. Ngl though…watching him gain that fast was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed.

Oh yeah, it was super hot. I'm into extreme weight gain, so seeing him blow up like mad was really arousing.

However, he was reckless with this health, and that's one of the many reasons he's no longer my feedee.

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?

In half a year, he'd gained about 100 lbs. He got obsessed with heavy cream shakes. He'd consume about 10k of the stuff daily at the bare minimum.

The problem is that he stopped eating solid foods. Everything was about getting as fat as fast as possible. And in his mind, drinking his calories made more sense than eating.

There was a noticeable behavior shift as well. When we first met, he was this funny, thoughtful nerd with many interests. He was doing well in life overall. But about two or three months into being like this, he left all his responsibilities to the wayside.

His cognitive skills nose-dived. He was making a lot of dumb decisions, and we got into a lot of arguments. If I had enough sense, I'd have dumped him at this time. But I felt responsible, so I stayed.

Unfortunately, he started pulling away from me and ignoring my requests for medical updates. I wanted to make sure he stayed relatively healthy. He wanted to keep getting fat. And I also suspect there was an element of shame too. Kept going on about how he didn't deserve me.

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Mine did not stop eating healthy foods; but he was becoming addicted to seeing the rapid gains cream can bring.
I think for a gainer heavy cream can act like a body building steroid. The gains can come so fast and easy that it creates a body image issues.
But a 100lbs in six months is crazy
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?

In half a year, he'd gained about 100 lbs. He got obsessed with heavy cream shakes. He'd consume about 10k of the stuff daily at the bare minimum.

The problem is that he stopped eating solid foods. Everything was about getting as fat as fast as possible. And in his mind, drinking his calories made more sense than eating.

There was a noticeable behavior shift as well. When we first met, he was this funny, thoughtful nerd with many interests. He was doing well in life overall. But about two or three months into being like this, he left all his responsibilities to the wayside.

His cognitive skills nose-dived. He was making a lot of dumb decisions, and we got into a lot of arguments. If I had enough sense, I'd have dumped him at this time. But I felt responsible, so I stayed.

Unfortunately, he started pulling away from me and ignoring my requests for medical updates. I wanted to make sure he stayed relatively healthy. He wanted to keep getting fat. And I also suspect there was an element of shame too. Kept going on about how he didn't deserve me.

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Mine did not stop eating healthy foods; but he was becoming addicted to seeing the rapid gains cream can bring.
I think for a gainer heavy cream can act like a body building steroid. The gains can come so fast and easy that it creates a body image issues.
But a 100lbs in six months is crazy

It was terrifying. I worried about him that I couldn't get off without feeling extremely guilty. He'd tell me not to worry - that he was taking care of himself. But I didn't trust or believe him.

I love extreme weight gain, but my limit is the health and/or comfort of my feedee. If I don't know how their health or comfort is being impacted, I can't enjoy it.

I'm grateful for my current feedee. We're on the same page about most things and communicate well. I never have to worry about him getting sick or dropping dead on me because we nip the problems in the bud. We're actually on a gaining hiatus, and he's losing weight for now.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

You made a mistake when you shortened my response. You attributed my words to someone else.

Whoops! Fixed.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

You made a mistake when you shortened my response. You attributed my words to someone else.

Whoops! Fixed.

1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?

Based on my interaction with a previous feedee, it's possible. However, you have to go balls to the walls hard to achieve that. We're talking an excess of 10k calories a day. We were horny and dumb.

It's not sustainable, and it can mess up your internals. I do not recommend it.

I am sure a fair amount was water. But yes he was hitting around 10,000 kcal a day when he was working from home.
And no it is not healthy, hence not done anymore. Ngl though…watching him gain that fast was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed.

Oh yeah, it was super hot. I'm into extreme weight gain, so seeing him blow up like mad was really arousing.

However, he was reckless with this health, and that's one of the many reasons he's no longer my feedee.

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?

In half a year, he'd gained about 100 lbs. He got obsessed with heavy cream shakes. He'd consume about 10k of the stuff daily at the bare minimum.

The problem is that he stopped eating solid foods. Everything was about getting as fat as fast as possible. And in his mind, drinking his calories made more sense than eating.

There was a noticeable behavior shift as well. When we first met, he was this funny, thoughtful nerd with many interests. He was doing well in life overall. But about two or three months into being like this, he left all his responsibilities to the wayside.

His cognitive skills nose-dived. He was making a lot of dumb decisions, and we got into a lot of arguments. If I had enough sense, I'd have dumped him at this time. But I felt responsible, so I stayed.

Unfortunately, he started pulling away from me and ignoring my requests for medical updates. I wanted to make sure he stayed relatively healthy. He wanted to keep getting fat. And I also suspect there was an element of shame too. Kept going on about how he didn't deserve me.

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Wow that is concerning, sort of sounds like he got caught up in the whole thing. I mean 100 lbs in half a year is astronomical.

Yeah, but what can you do?

Stuff like this is why I do what I do so much in this community.
1 year
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