Fat experiences

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

So I’m either nonbinary or a trans man. I have a lot of dysphoria around my thighs and hips which’s sucks (I JUST WANT TO BE A FAT GUY DAMN IT!).

But it’s funny that I don’t mind my tits mainly bc I like to think that I’m a fatty for having them and they turn me on bc of that. I’m still somewhat slim and obviously a cis guy would not have moobs at my size. Idk I just kinda get off on having big moobs/boobs bc of being a feedee lol. Do any other trans mascs relate?
1 year

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

Everyone loves boobs / moobs!
1 year

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

I'm not trans but I wear a bikini when I go to the beach and getting boobs was a major goal for me. At first, all my weight went to my belly so I had to revise my goal weight because I wanted to be fat enough to have boobs.
1 year

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

My gender is kind of whatever and I haven’t really got a label for it, but I have had a similar experience. I used to be very dysphoric about my chest, but since gaining weight I enjoy my big chest. I feel the same about my thighs and hips, though. Probably my ideal transition would be to gain a lot of weight and THEN go on HRT so I’d keep my current fat distribution but bigger, but also get all the other masculinizing effects of HRT.
1 year

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

I hate how large my moobs are so I can't relate to this. People read me as the wrong gender because of how large my chesticles are. :\ They're too large to just simply pass as moobs, even as I continue to gain weight. It's honestly the main cause of my dysphoria. I'm glad you're happy with your chest though OP!
1 year