Fat experiences

Fast food

why fast food is so tasty.? but why weight growing so fast (?
1 year

Fast food

why fast food is so tasty.? but why weight growing so fast (?

Fast food has high amounts of fat, sugar, and salt. So not only does it taste good and is addictive, it packs on the pounds.
1 year

Fast food

people say that fast food is “engineered” to be extra tasty so you get more cravings for it, but that’s just cope for people who can’t admit they like it. Honestly the stigma against fast food is so silly no one can say they don’t like a Big Mac it’s ridiculous.
1 year

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
people say that fast food is “engineered” to be extra tasty so you get more cravings for it, but that’s just cope for people who can’t admit they like it. Honestly the stigma against fast food is so silly no one can say they don’t like a Big Mac it’s ridiculous.

I wouldn't say that fast food is engineered to be addictive. However, fast food addiction is a real thing. There are well-established scientific reasons behind this as you can see in this article.


It is also possible not to like Big Macs. I personally hate everything from Mcdonald's except for their drinks, and maybe their hash browns if I get a random craving for them. But that happens once every few years or so.
1 year

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
people say that fast food is “engineered” to be extra tasty so you get more cravings for it, but that’s just cope for people who can’t admit they like it. Honestly the stigma against fast food is so silly no one can say they don’t like a Big Mac it’s ridiculous.

I wouldn't say that fast food is engineered to be addictive. However, fast food addiction is a real thing. There are well-established scientific reasons behind this as you can see in this article.


It is also possible not to like Big Macs. I personally hate everything from Mcdonald's except for their drinks, and maybe their hash browns if I get a random craving for them. But that happens once every few years or so.

I'm on day 3 of a planned 30 day gaining/stuffing challenge and I think I'm starting to get addicted to fast food. It doesn't fill me up as much as it used to and, after stuffing down 2300 calories for dinner, I'm craving more almost immediately lol.
1 year

Fast food

Fast food is pretty horrible for the environment and for it's unhumane treatment of animals through factory farming. Then don't forget u r eating diseased sick antibiotic laden meat and this is just the tip of the iceberg. It shoukd really be better regulated . And they really don't want the public to b aware so inform ur self.

You are 100% correct about all of this. However, there isn't any ethical consumption under capitalism. There are ways to decrease your individual imprint, but that can be easier said than done.
1 year

Fast food

I wouldn't say that fast food is engineered to be addictive. However, fast food addiction is a real thing. There are well-established scientific reasons behind this as you can see in this article.


It is also possible not to like Big Macs. I personally hate everything from Mcdonald's except for their drinks, and maybe their hash browns if I get a random craving for them. But that happens once every few years or so.

All food technically releases dopamine it just so happens that meals high in fat carbs and salt tend to release more cause of our innate reward system in our brains. You want more you crave more because we are hard wired to do so, it’s just our bodies aren’t working hardly at all for that meal as opposed to our ancestors who could have maybe had a portion of that meal.

Big Macs are just so good! And the newer 1/4 burger patties are so tasty. You don’t even like a McChicken? That’s wow. Can’t relate.
1 year

Fast food

I'm on day 3 of a planned 30 day gaining/stuffing challenge and I think I'm starting to get addicted to fast food. It doesn't fill me up as much as it used to and, after stuffing down 2300 calories for dinner, I'm craving more almost immediately lol.

Do you go to multiple places are just McDonald’s? Be sure to get some variety and also, eat some fruits and veggies, I personally take a multivitamin and drink a lot of water. Believe it or not you can suffer malnutrition when you have gorged yourself on a lot of food
1 year

Fast food

Fast food is pretty horrible for the environment and for it's unhumane treatment of animals through factory farming. Then don't forget u r eating diseased sick antibiotic laden meat and this is just the tip of the iceberg. It shoukd really be better regulated . And they really don't want the public to b aware so inform ur self.
not to mention it causes insane cancer and doesn't nourish or stick to your body as easy as home cooked organic food. You spend way more money eating out and get way worse quality and tons of toxins eating out. Almost all states require restaurants by law to buy from wholesalers who only buy low quality beef. As a farmer I can tell you without a doubt if it doesn't say its organic specifically on the package then the grass and or animal feed used to feed the animal was sprayed with round up. Same goes for veggies. Eat healthy if you want to have healthy fat. Eat junk food if you want toxic fat.
1 year

Fast food

I wouldn't say that fast food is engineered to be addictive. However, fast food addiction is a real thing. There are well-established scientific reasons behind this as you can see in this article.


It is also possible not to like Big Macs. I personally hate everything from Mcdonald's except for their drinks, and maybe their hash browns if I get a random craving for them. But that happens once every few years or so.

Morbidly A Beast:
All food technically releases dopamine it just so happens that meals high in fat carbs and salt tend to release more cause of our innate reward system in our brains. You want more you crave more because we are hard wired to do so, it’s just our bodies aren’t working hardly at all for that meal as opposed to our ancestors who could have maybe had a portion of that meal.

Big Macs are just so good! And the newer 1/4 burger patties are so tasty. You don’t even like a McChicken? That’s wow. Can’t relate.

Yes. All of that is mentioned in the article. They don't put specially addictive chemicals, but it does take advantage of how the human body works. Plus, there are other psychological aspects too. I could go into more detail, but the article covers everything.

I cannot overstate just how much I do not like McDonald's. All the food just tastes flat, chemically, and weird in a bad way to me. Everything on the menu tastes better somewhere else. Hell, I can usually cook it myself and it tastes better.

I also tend to feel gross after eating their food too. So there's no temptation for me. Won't even eat their salads because it tends to be wilted and sad when I get one. It's quite simply not worth it.
1 year
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