Fat experiences

Fast food

Agree on your "free range" comment. However, You can look for stamps that "certified humane" " pasture raised" "small family farmed" just saying animals deserve better is all.

Even those stickers are lying. Basically big ag saw people were mad and got the fda to approve amenities to qualify slight modifications to existing infrastructure. I don’t see how we can feed all these people without big ag anymore.
1 year

Fast food

Agree on your "free range" comment. However, You can look for stamps that "certified humane" " pasture raised" "small family farmed" just saying animals deserve better is all.

Morbidly A Beast:
Even those stickers are lying. Basically big ag saw people were mad and got the fda to approve amenities to qualify slight modifications to existing infrastructure. I don’t see how we can feed all these people without big ag anymore.

I will respectfully disagree. Not sure how to respond to this thread anymore, so I will just leave it at, "you do you."
1 year

Fast food

Agree on your "free range" comment. However, You can look for stamps that "certified humane" " pasture raised" "small family farmed" just saying animals deserve better is all.

Morbidly A Beast:
Even those stickers are lying. Basically big ag saw people were mad and got the fda to approve amenities to qualify slight modifications to existing infrastructure. I don’t see how we can feed all these people without big ag anymore.

Source? About the stickers, that is.

As for big ag, I think that it could be possible, but not without majorly changing everything about the industry and culture. We'd also have to curtail our food waste problem too.
1 year

Fast food

Agree on your "free range" comment. However, You can look for stamps that "certified humane" " pasture raised" "small family farmed" just saying animals deserve better is all.

Morbidly A Beast:
Even those stickers are lying. Basically big ag saw people were mad and got the fda to approve amenities to qualify slight modifications to existing infrastructure. I don’t see how we can feed all these people without big ag anymore.

Source? About the stickers, that is.

As for big ag, I think that it could be possible, but not without majorly changing everything about the industry and culture. We'd also have to curtail our food waste problem too.

I’m not the best at finding sources or stuff like that but here’s an attempt www.vox.com/platform/amp/future-perfect/2019/1/30/18197688/organic-cage-free-wild-caught-certified-humane just cause it says it on sticker doesn’t mean much
1 year

Fast food

We have raised livestock for untold numbers of generations if you shut down production today 1.) millions of people would starve to death
2.) the animals would die as they do not have the ability to survive in the wild anymore. We have domesticated livestock to that much of an extent

We are kinda at a impasse when it comes to food production damned if you do damned if you don’t type situation.
1 year

Fast food

Whatever dude.
1 year

Fast food

1 year

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
Sorry I just find narratives around fast food a bit rooted in fatphobia, “oh jeez how dare you enjoy that food your body desires on a chemical level fatty” I understand some of the arguments made about the waste and stuff but to suggest fast food companies are deliberate in an attempt to poison us is silly.

We live in a capitalist system. Companies are naturally, therefore
, trying to maximize their profits. General Motors for example put lead in their gasoline knowing that it whould have disastrous effects. And because of it, the world population is now measuring on around 2 IQ points less, on average because of it. (For some Americans that lived around the 70s this goes up to a loss of 7 IQ points)

That's just a small example of a company doing something that bad. Other example, coca cola is known to have been using death squads to dissolve protests in some African countries from people that protest for their environment. (For example plantations where coca cola is growing fruits that it uses for their production, require a lot of water, leaving everyone else, in these areas, without water)

I could go on and on about how the system even encourages this kind of behavior, but in short it's the effort at maximizing profits really. And the rewards / punishments that go with it.
1 year

Fast food

Agree on your "free range" comment. However, You can look for stamps that "certified humane" " pasture raised" "small family farmed" just saying animals deserve better is all.

Morbidly A Beast:
Even those stickers are lying. Basically big ag saw people were mad and got the fda to approve amenities to qualify slight modifications to existing infrastructure. I don’t see how we can feed all these people without big ag anymore.

Source? About the stickers, that is.

As for big ag, I think that it could be possible, but not without majorly changing everything about the industry and culture. We'd also have to curtail our food waste problem too.

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m not the best at finding sources or stuff like that but here’s an attempt www.vox.com/platform/amp/future-perfect/2019/1/30/18197688/organic-cage-free-wild-caught-certified-humane just cause it says it on sticker doesn’t mean much

Learning a thing. I suppose this is another reason to buy local when you can.
1 year

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
We have raised livestock for untold numbers of generations if you shut down production today 1.) millions of people would starve to death
2.) the animals would die as they do not have the ability to survive in the wild anymore. We have domesticated livestock to that much of an extent

We are kinda at a impasse when it comes to food production damned if you do damned if you don’t type situation.

Honestly, anytime you are doing huge systemic changes, it's best to be strategic when you can afford to do so. I don't have any idea what the best way to make these changes is that doesn't lead to a societal collapse, but I'm sure it can be done over time.
1 year
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