Feedback and suggestions

Comments not showing on pics

For some reason I am now unable to see previous comments on a picture until after I have added one. Hope you can fix this.
1 year

Comments not showing on pics

Hi Curveman,

I am not sure I am following. Is this your own picture or someone else's picture you are trying to view comments on?

You should be able to see all comments under any content as there is no limit restriction on comments. I have checked numerous content to ensure there are no issues and I can view comments on pictures, so it doesn't appear to be a site wide issue.

If you could provide further information and details about what has happened that would be great. If you have any screenshots that you think would be useful, then please send these to

FF Team
1 year

Comments not showing on pics

Hi Cookie,

Thanks for your response. The problem was with all photos that had a number of comments - the comments weren't showing up at the bottom until after I put a comment in.

However it seems to have been a temporary problem as all working OK now. Strange...
1 year