Actually they are merely my principles, founded in philosophy by Albert Camus, who was closely tied to everyone's favorite and poster child thinker, Friedrich Nietzsche.
But as for your actual question, well the answer is right there too. We can't know everything about life's meaning, therefore there is no means to find it. If we can't find it, it doesn't exist, or it does and there's no way to prove it.
Can we prove 'God' is real? No. We can only follow the oral traditions on religion, passed down from the ages. ( It's right there, "in the beginning was the word, and the word was God." What it means is, the only method to finding enlightenment is through thought and the passing down of knowledge. ) Can we prove that the universe began with hydrogen particles running into each other until, 'bang?' No. It's the catch 22 and a very logical theory. If there were partials colliding into the Big Bang, well, how did they get there. How can we prove existence at all. We cannot. Math tells us the universe is likely forever expanding, but into what , where? How can one prove something is infinite if we cannot prove there is no end? We cannot.
Thus the philosophies of Absurdism and Nihalism. We know nothing because we can't prove anything in finality, yet so many of us need that reason, leading to concepts of faith and science. If science says we have free will vs gods 'plan,' well then how can we say it started with colliding space? If so, then we had no control over all the things that created us, which is essentially a higher power. All things in theory must have a cause and effect. Why did I write this post? Because it's interesting to me and I like sharing. Why? Because my positive environment led me to be a very social person who likes to be heard, and hear others. Why was my environment positive? Because I was adopted from drug addicts and raised by kin who share no blood ties. Why? Because my adoptive mother could not have kids? Why? Bad luck and her genetic makeup? Why is her makeup as such? Because those are the genes passed down, and this is a cascading effect that will eventually end right back at the two particles who bumped each other. But how did they get there?
Do you see?
My philosophy is right for me, but it may be wrong for others, just as Nihalism doesn't work for me.
So, to close, in regards to this fat life I have come to adore, I believe there is no need to, no right or wrong way to explain myself except though my practice of modality through Absurdism.
(I mean you no harm and your thoughts are valid.)
In nihilism, nihilism canโt even be true because its inherent contradictions words have no meaning there is only the will to power.
In order to have a discussion you need to presuppose reason and logic which donโt exist in the nihilist worldview