
Zombie plan

Set up some loudspeakers to play Thriller non-stop to make the zombies dance, then take them out whilst they're doing so.
15 years

Zombie plan

I would recommend reading this in preparation:

Zombie Survival Guide
15 years

Zombie plan

PlumpBunny wrote:
GainerguyCdn wrote:
I would recommend reading this in preparation:

Zombie Survival Guide

Yes, have RTFM.

Did you read the other one? World War Z. I'm actually reading it right now, it's wicked good.

I haven't read world war z yet, but it is on my list for when I finish classes this term smiley
15 years

Zombie plan

PlumpBunny wrote:
GainerguyCdn wrote:

I haven't read world war z yet, but it is on my list for when I finish classes this term smiley

Classes are taking away from your zombie preparedness!

Unless... you could somehow incorporate the two. In my college, you can get away with pretty much anything as long as your GPA is high enough.

I did a major presentation using PowerPoint on how to survive an inevitable zombie attack. And I snagged an A. Having had some of the greatest professors of all time, I think a simple "In your face" is in order.

I know, if zombies hit between now and April I'm screwed smiley then again, I'm too fat to run away to begin with smiley

If only I could integrate it into my projects this term. Last term I had so much flexability that I probably could have worked it in (but I ended up doing fetishes instead (yes gaining/feeding was featured smiley)).

I only have one project that I could have worked it into this term and, unfortunately, it's too far along for me to change it now.
15 years

Zombie plan

Jay wrote:
GainerguyCdn wrote:
I know, if zombies hit between now and April I'm screwed smiley then again, I'm too fat to run away to begin with smiley

Don't worry, zombies only attack in the summer or autumn. Winter and spring must be too cold, maybe they freeze . . .

perhaps it adds a little more rigor to their mortis smiley
15 years

Zombie plan

PlumpBunny wrote:
GainerguyCdn wrote:

I know, if zombies hit between now and April I'm screwed smiley then again, I'm too fat to run away to begin with smiley

If only I could integrate it into my projects this term. Last term I had so much flexability that I probably could have worked it in (but I ended up doing fetishes instead (yes gaining/feeding was featured smiley)).

I only have one project that I could have worked it into this term and, unfortunately, it's too far along for me to change it now.

That's wicked cool. Unfortunately for me, I have no 'creative' classes open until I graduate in May. The only classes I have left for my AS are all core psych classes. Lame!

Although thinking about it, you could really take paraphilia as a whole into a really awesome research paper, and likely get a pretty decent grade out of it. Although I don't know as if I'd be brave enough to go with feederism =P

well, for this project, I got a pretty decent grade. decent for that prof anyway.

I wasn't brave enough to make it strictly out of feederism. I think it would have drawn far too much attention to the 30 lbs I put on during the class smiley
but I sampled all sorts of fetishes and kinks and sexual behaviours outside of the traditional. it was fun!
15 years

Zombie plan

Endless_Hunger wrote:
GainerguyCdn wrote:

I know, if zombies hit between now and April I'm screwed smiley

Let the record show, when the Zombie Apocalypse happens, GainerguyCdn will be sacrificed so that I make it out okay.

haha, may as well! there's always a need for some sort of strategic sacrifice anyway smiley

and when food starts getting rationed.... I'll lose the will to live anyway!
15 years

Zombie plan

I have no zombie plan so i'm just going to react to the current situation. I'm probably going to end up being a zombie since i can barely run for ten minutes. I guess i would head to the mall or somewhere that people gather.
15 years

Zombie plan

I always thought that the gun nuts had it all wrong - yeah, it's fun to shoot zombies, but what happens when the ammo runs out?

Machetes my friends, machetes! Perfectly designed for lopping off offending body parts, good in close quarters, easy to sharpen - one in each hand and a back against a wall will hold off the zombie hoards for quite some time!

Although, I do agree that us fatties are going to have a hard time with this one. I've always wondered what brains tasted like! smiley Do zombies get fat? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
15 years