
Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

before i got fat, i had dated fat people and took on the role of feeder in most of my relationships. when you are with fat and growing people over the course of 20+ years, you don't really have to tell people. to most friends and acquaintances they didn't know the kink aspect, but they knew i preferred bigger, fatter partners.
the kink aspect, to me, is personal. it's like, do you casually talk to people about their interest in bondage, or anal sex? i hope not, because for the most part they aren't interested in that and probably don't want to know! that is what these communities are for - we have a shared interest.
11 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

people who know me know i like bigger people, that is more vanilla then my other kinks..
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I don't really know why someone who is not my partner would need to know what is going on with me sexually. The liking bigger partners is not an issue for me but I would never go around telling friends and family the fetish side of things... that's odd.
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I’ve only told 2 people. I told my bff from high school the summer after sophomore year when I’d put on some weight. We were drunk one night and shared our kinks. I think we were both a bit shocked, but accepting. Tho I don’t know what she’d think if she saw me now, as I’ve put on a lot more weight. I also told someone I was dating. She was a bbw, but it weirded her out and kinda caused us to break up. Yeah. Wish I could meet someone I could share this with.
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I’ve only told 2 people. I told my bff from high school the summer after sophomore year when I’d put on some weight. We were drunk one night and shared our kinks. I think we were both a bit shocked, but accepting. Tho I don’t know what she’d think if she saw me now, as I’ve put on a lot more weight. I also told someone I was dating. She was a bbw, but it weirded her out and kinda caused us to break up. Yeah. Wish I could meet someone I could share this with.

Aw. Well, there’s always us — your fans and cheer-on crowd :-)
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I’ve only told 2 people. I told my bff from high school the summer after sophomore year when I’d put on some weight. We were drunk one night and shared our kinks. I think we were both a bit shocked, but accepting. Tho I don’t know what she’d think if she saw me now, as I’ve put on a lot more weight. I also told someone I was dating. She was a bbw, but it weirded her out and kinda caused us to break up. Yeah. Wish I could meet someone I could share this with.

Aw. Well, there’s always us — your fans and cheer-on crowd :-)

10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I don't consider it a fetish but a preference.I'm fat,I love being fat.I love to eat,I prefer big girls (the bigger the better) & I love girls who love to eat! Those that know me pretty much know all of this.If they don't like it I couldn't care less!
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

I don't think I'll end up telling anyone in my personal life. Unless a reason pops up for me to share it, I think it's probably better for me to keep it to myself.
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

No one knows,
10 months

Is your fetish top secret? who knows in your life? how did you tell them? how did they respond?

Only my partner knows. I've always been fat, so when I gain weight, I think most people in my life consider it par for the course, i.e. a fatty getting fatter.
10 months
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