Lifestyle tips

Feedism + fame = ???

Well, feedism is still a taboo. The most known celebrity who is openly discussing about fat acceptance is Pierce Brosnan, his wife used to be skinny and now she more then doubles her weight but he is still love her, regardless of her weight gain.

no one is preventing a celeb to keep their FF account with a fake name and continue with their life, so you will never know, actually. Feeling appeal towards a fat individuals is one thing, but wanting them to get even bigger is still considered as a taboo 🤷🏻‍♂️
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Well I am a content creator myself. And if some people find out that I’m into plus size women then I might try to find a way to pretty much use my platform for saying that I am what I am attracted and find beauty towards.

But when it comes to the whole fetish thing it will more than likely ruin my reputation. Especially since the whole body positivity/liberation is no longer relevant than what it used to be, and there’s literally so much hatred (and health concern-like-talking-down) everywhere you go on social media when you find any content related to BoPo. So sadly I wouldn’t want to go through that hell of people accusing me of “destroying people’s lives/health”.

Unless if one day the modern or future culture finally gets some peace towards diversity and equality. I sadly don’t want to put myself in jeopardy when the online world (outside of this site) now thinks plus size is wrong.

Speaking as a marginalized person, I have more respect for outwardly bigoted individuals than people who make virtue signaling posts about how they would speak up for marginalized groups if it was safe to do so.

I'm not saying you have to be a vocal ally. I understand from personal experience how it can be hard - even scary. But it's pretty gross of you to think that saying people (not even just women) should be treated like people is too "controversial."

Yeah sorry if I came off a little bit blunt. Just one of those moments when I was typing what I was feeling. I do treat people regardless of size and shape with respect. It’s just sometimes the online world can be pretty harsh sometimes.

Blunt? Baby girl I'm blunt. I have no problem with other blunt people. I take issue with you being the worst kind of ally possible. Because what you posted earlier states that you're the sort of person who changes with the wind.

You might have your personal beliefs on things, but what you outwardly support depends on what the world at large supports. That's not good.

Look, I don't expect you to be like me and push back against bigotry whenever you see it. Again, I totally understand how it can be extremely scary, and not everyone is able to deal with that. But don't start virtue signaling about all the wonderful things you could do if defending fat people was "cool actually".
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Well I am a content creator myself. And if some people find out that I’m into plus size women then I might try to find a way to pretty much use my platform for saying that I am what I am attracted and find beauty towards.

But when it comes to the whole fetish thing it will more than likely ruin my reputation. Especially since the whole body positivity/liberation is no longer relevant than what it used to be, and there’s literally so much hatred (and health concern-like-talking-down) everywhere you go on social media when you find any content related to BoPo. So sadly I wouldn’t want to go through that hell of people accusing me of “destroying people’s lives/health”.

Unless if one day the modern or future culture finally gets some peace towards diversity and equality. I sadly don’t want to put myself in jeopardy when the online world (outside of this site) now thinks plus size is wrong.

Damn this dude wouldn’t defend his Fat so if they were being ridiculed in public for their weight
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Hey fellas, I didn’t mean to make everyone upset. And I’m sorry for making everyone triggered about what I said. But at the same time it kinda did made be now more aware that I can’t always go with the wind. 👍

I know that I am better than this and I will try to do what I can in supporting and defending plus size people. After all I do still believe in body positivity/liberation after all.
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Hey fellas, I didn’t mean to make everyone upset. And I’m sorry for making everyone triggered about what I said. But at the same time it kinda did made be now more aware that I can’t always go with the wind. 👍

I know that I am better than this and I will try to do what I can in supporting and defending plus size people. After all I do still believe in body positivity/liberation after all.

That’s big of you and I get it. I’d just remember that the people who you find attractive have to live in their bodies everyday and what seems like nothing to you is a pretty sizable part of their self image. I don’t think you would abandon your SO in the face of ridicule it’s just that I don’t see an effective difference in shying away from fat positivity and advocacy in online spaces, and abandoning an SO in the same sense.
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Hey fellas, I didn’t mean to make everyone upset. And I’m sorry for making everyone triggered about what I said. But at the same time it kinda did made be now more aware that I can’t always go with the wind. 👍

I know that I am better than this and I will try to do what I can in supporting and defending plus size people. After all I do still believe in body positivity/liberation after all.

Morbidly A Beast:
That’s big of you and I get it. I’d just remember that the people who you find attractive have to live in their bodies everyday and what seems like nothing to you is a pretty sizable part of their self image. I don’t think you would abandon your SO in the face of ridicule it’s just that I don’t see an effective difference in shying away from fat positivity and advocacy in online spaces, and abandoning an SO in the same sense.

Thanks for understanding. And yeah I would never abandon a significant other for anything related with the topic that we’re talking about. I’m pretty much loyal until the relationship is over.
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Why is it that even with body positivity and size acceptance becoming mainstream that feedism is still seen as bad by most, even regular fat people who don't share the fetish?
My opinion:
1. Encouraging fat gain is seen as encouraging someone to be more unhealthy. Almost like saying, "I only love you because you're an alcoholic". Substance abuse being analogous to food abuse. And most people see alcoholism as very self destructive. And many people see size acceptance as promoting the person's psychological health by ignoring the cost to their physical health.
2. It's almost the opposite of body positivity/acceptance, because it's saying we want someone to change the way their body already is to please us. It would be one thing to say someone is fat and I love them or like their body that way, but saying someone is thin and to please me they need to change their body by becoming fat is obviously not acceptance. I think to people outside this community, it feels very much like using the other person by projecting our desires onto them and expecting it to manifest in a physical way. Taking control of the feedee's own body and body image away from them.

I think the biggest disconnect in all this is not understanding or believing why someone would want to be or change to become fat. But we know that people actively go on weight loss programs all the time. They want to change their bodies. And promoting that is totally fine (in the mainstream). Yet promoting or helping someone go the opposite direction (to get fat) is bad. So it's obvious that being a healthy happy thin person is still not seen as equal to being a healthy happy fat person.
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Why is it that even with body positivity and size acceptance becoming mainstream that feedism is still seen as bad by most, even regular fat people who don't share the fetish?
My opinion:
1. Encouraging fat gain is seen as encouraging someone to be more unhealthy. Almost like saying, "I only love you because you're an alcoholic". Substance abuse being analogous to food abuse. And most people see alcoholism as very self destructive. And many people see size acceptance as promoting the person's psychological health by ignoring the cost to their physical health.
2. It's almost the opposite of body positivity/acceptance, because it's saying we want someone to change the way their body already is to please us. It would be one thing to say someone is fat and I love them or like their body that way, but saying someone is thin and to please me they need to change their body by becoming fat is obviously not acceptance. I think to people outside this community, it feels very much like using the other person by projecting our desires onto them and expecting it to manifest in a physical way. Taking control of the feedee's own body and body image away from them.

I think the biggest disconnect in all this is not understanding or believing why someone would want to be or change to become fat. But we know that people actively go on weight loss programs all the time. They want to change their bodies. And promoting that is totally fine (in the mainstream). Yet promoting or helping someone go the opposite direction (to get fat) is bad. So it's obvious that being a healthy happy thin person is still not seen as equal to being a healthy happy fat person.

This is the biggest reason. That and most public depictions of feeders are predatory men taking advantage of women with low self-esteem.
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Why is it that even with body positivity and size acceptance becoming mainstream that feedism is still seen as bad by most, even regular fat people who don't share the fetish?
My opinion:
1. Encouraging fat gain is seen as encouraging someone to be more unhealthy. Almost like saying, "I only love you because you're an alcoholic". Substance abuse being analogous to food abuse. And most people see alcoholism as very self destructive. And many people see size acceptance as promoting the person's psychological health by ignoring the cost to their physical health.
2. It's almost the opposite of body positivity/acceptance, because it's saying we want someone to change the way their body already is to please us. It would be one thing to say someone is fat and I love them or like their body that way, but saying someone is thin and to please me they need to change their body by becoming fat is obviously not acceptance. I think to people outside this community, it feels very much like using the other person by projecting our desires onto them and expecting it to manifest in a physical way. Taking control of the feedee's own body and body image away from them.

I think the biggest disconnect in all this is not understanding or believing why someone would want to be or change to become fat. But we know that people actively go on weight loss programs all the time. They want to change their bodies. And promoting that is totally fine (in the mainstream). Yet promoting or helping someone go the opposite direction (to get fat) is bad. So it's obvious that being a healthy happy thin person is still not seen as equal to being a healthy happy fat person.

I think this was well said overall. đź‘Ť
1 year

Feedism + fame = ???

Why is it that even with body positivity and size acceptance becoming mainstream that feedism is still seen as bad by most, even regular fat people who don't share the fetish?
My opinion:
1. Encouraging fat gain is seen as encouraging someone to be more unhealthy. Almost like saying, "I only love you because you're an alcoholic". Substance abuse being analogous to food abuse. And most people see alcoholism as very self destructive. And many people see size acceptance as promoting the person's psychological health by ignoring the cost to their physical health.
2. It's almost the opposite of body positivity/acceptance, because it's saying we want someone to change the way their body already is to please us. It would be one thing to say someone is fat and I love them or like their body that way, but saying someone is thin and to please me they need to change their body by becoming fat is obviously not acceptance. I think to people outside this community, it feels very much like using the other person by projecting our desires onto them and expecting it to manifest in a physical way. Taking control of the feedee's own body and body image away from them.

I think the biggest disconnect in all this is not understanding or believing why someone would want to be or change to become fat. But we know that people actively go on weight loss programs all the time. They want to change their bodies. And promoting that is totally fine (in the mainstream). Yet promoting or helping someone go the opposite direction (to get fat) is bad. So it's obvious that being a healthy happy thin person is still not seen as equal to being a healthy happy fat person.

People who have been fat all their lives have feelings associated with it and them seeing people enjoying what causes them so much suffering could come off as trivializing their struggles and hardships. Also yeah, people aren’t ready for people who are fat and happy
1 year
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