Lifestyle tips

Struggling with regular eating


I have been strugling with my regular meals during a day. Since I am not used to eat breakfast, the very First meal that I have is around noon. During the morning Im not even hungry. Second meal of the day is around 6PM and then maybe a dinner around 9 PM or anything.

I have problems with my appetite but i would like to change it and add a little bit of weight as well. Do you have any tips how to increase appetite or rules to set daily meals routine? Really appreciate any answer.
1 year

Struggling with regular eating


I have been strugling with my regular meals during a day. Since I am not used to eat breakfast, the very First meal that I have is around noon. During the morning Im not even hungry. Second meal of the day is around 6PM and then maybe a dinner around 9 PM or anything.

I have problems with my appetite but i would like to change it and add a little bit of weight as well. Do you have any tips how to increase appetite or rules to set daily meals routine? Really appreciate any answer.

If you are having trouble forcing yourself to eat, you might have better luck drinking your calories.

Don't go the traditional weight gain shake route. Those are empty calories, and you might be missing vast swaths of nutrition in your diet. Look into smoothies or health/meal replacement shakes if possible. Not sure what's available in your country. A dietician might be able to recommend something, or you can go to your local store.

Other little things add up. Switch from skim milk to whole milk, drink more juice, etc. Stay hydrated, but don't just drink plain water.

Also, what kinds of foods do you usually eat? Are you open to snacks?
1 year

Struggling with regular eating

Not everyone has an appetite. There are plenty of people who simply don't enjoy eating or forget to. However it may be worth looking into another cause such as neurodivergence—people with ADHD for example often struggle with remembering to eat. You may also have nutritional deficiencies that suppress your appetite.

Munchies' tips above are also useful. Make do with what you've got. Make sure you are healthy first, then worry about gain. If you decide to consult with a professional, bear in mind that a "nutritionist" is not the same as a dietician. The latter are registered, certified professionals.
1 year

Struggling with regular eating


I have been strugling with my regular meals during a day. Since I am not used to eat breakfast, the very First meal that I have is around noon. During the morning Im not even hungry. Second meal of the day is around 6PM and then maybe a dinner around 9 PM or anything.

I have problems with my appetite but i would like to change it and add a little bit of weight as well. Do you have any tips how to increase appetite or rules to set daily meals routine? Really appreciate any answer.

I've had similar issues, usually unless I'm out e.g. going to work, I wont want to eat until 10/11 minimum.

Only exceptions are when I'm up early or I basically force myself to eat.

Maybe if you try going for a walk in the morning it might make you hungry?

Alternatively there's something like double cream, if consuming as a milkshake though, make sure you're consuming it around or after eating something else as not doing so has caused.....problems.

Another option is 'little and often', for example, having extra snacks or smaller meals in between meals.
1 year

Struggling with regular eating

Thank you all for your replies.

I will try snacking for sure and also I will try to eat small breakfast like fruit shake a little bit earlier each day. I hope it will slightly increase my appetite and will start to be a habit.

If it does not help i will get an advice from an expert like suggested.
Thank you all
1 year

Struggling with regular eating

Not everyone has an appetite. There are plenty of people who simply don't enjoy eating or forget to. However it may be worth looking into another cause such as neurodivergence—people with ADHD for example often struggle with remembering to eat. You may also have nutritional deficiencies that suppress your appetite.

Munchies' tips above are also useful. Make do with what you've got. Make sure you are healthy first, then worry about gain. If you decide to consult with a professional, bear in mind that a "nutritionist" is not the same as a dietician. The latter are registered, certified professionals.

I'm glad to see Laura bring up the ADHD thing, because this is a connection I've made myself about forgetting to eat, not feeling hungry or motivated to get food, and wondered if it was connected to ADHD. I've noticed others seem to have similar problems, but not all. I think at the root of it is that ADHD is a symptom of a larger dopamine problem. Without dopamine someone doesn't feel motivation to begin or complete tasks, like making lunch. Or simply may not even enjoy eating to the extent others do. It's a real struggle I've experienced.
1 year

Struggling with regular eating


I have been strugling with my regular meals during a day. Since I am not used to eat breakfast, the very First meal that I have is around noon. During the morning Im not even hungry. Second meal of the day is around 6PM and then maybe a dinner around 9 PM or anything.

I have problems with my appetite but i would like to change it and add a little bit of weight as well. Do you have any tips how to increase appetite or rules to set daily meals routine? Really appreciate any answer.

So generally what I would do is try chugging a wg shake in the morning 0,5l, and like a large coffee with everything….
At noon I would have a small meal. Then I would clean a bag of peanuts and a soda as a snack. I would do another smaller meal around 4-5 pm with another soda 0,5 L (1 L if can).
After that I would try to hit a nap… or just lay down and rest… watch netflix or w/e untill 9-10 pm and then I would do a full on stuffing and pig out, eat yourself to sleep.
If you do this for 7 days in a row… your body will adapt to the new schedule and you will start to feel hungry all the time. After that I would suggest laying off the stuffing at night for a few days and trying to increase your breakfast and lunch…
And from there you should have all the cravings and your internal food clock will be running all day and night…
1 year

Struggling with regular eating

I am struggling with the increasing food intake too. When I'm not trying to gain it seems like I eat around 2500 calories no problem but when I try to get beyond that my appetite doesn't want to cooperate.

I started drinking my calories and that seems to be the best strategy. I was able to add another 1000 calories a day by switching my coffee in the morning to a large iced cappuccino. Then I get a second one at lunch to have for the afternoon at my desk job.

I have the hardest time eating at, or before, work but I can always get a drink down. Especially something with caffeine.
12 months

Struggling with regular eating

Thanks youuuu
12 months

Struggling with regular eating

I usually eat one very large meal once a day around dinner time I find it to hard to remain motivated during the day after a big lunch “well just eat less!” - no lol I have zero portion control I am either stuffed or starving no in between. I try to eat breakfast at least in the morning but it’s just tuff when you’re in the heat all day and struggling to stay motivated as it is.
11 months
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