
Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

Hey y’all. I’ve been wanting to start venturing a bit into the gaining side of the fetish myself but I’ve been really struggling with maintaining weight. I can use products like mass gainer to gain 10 or so pounds in a month but after I stop it disappears rather quickly. I’d love to hear some tips from others who’ve ventured down this path already and use some of your tips to help me out a bit. Thanks smiley
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

Hey y’all. I’ve been wanting to start venturing a bit into the gaining side of the fetish myself but I’ve been really struggling with maintaining weight. I can use products like mass gainer to gain 10 or so pounds in a month but after I stop it disappears rather quickly. I’d love to hear some tips from others who’ve ventured down this path already and use some of your tips to help me out a bit. Thanks smiley

You seem to be a very fit young man with a healthy metabolism. So getting fat is going to be a bit of a challenge. That said, it doesn't look like you're struggling to put on muscle gains. So it's probably not your body working against you.

How have you been trying to put on weight? It may have something to do with your methods
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

I’ve tried a bit of calorie counting and making sure I hit my daily amounts plus an additional 600-1000 calories. It’s just if I stop at all I immediately lose it lmao. If I didn’t want to at least try and see what I’d be like with a bit of pudge I’d say I’m extremely lucky lmao
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

I’ve tried a bit of calorie counting and making sure I hit my daily amounts plus an additional 600-1000 calories. It’s just if I stop at all I immediately lose it lmao. If I didn’t want to at least try and see what I’d be like with a bit of pudge I’d say I’m extremely lucky lmao

And how many calories are you burning a day?
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

I’ve tried a bit of calorie counting and making sure I hit my daily amounts plus an additional 600-1000 calories. It’s just if I stop at all I immediately lose it lmao. If I didn’t want to at least try and see what I’d be like with a bit of pudge I’d say I’m extremely lucky lmao

And how many calories are you burning a day?

Well just because of my job/working out I normally burn around 700-1100 depending on the day. I normally climb around 40 flights of stairs and lots of physical labor. Again none of this is ideal for that lmao but in the future once I change positions and whatnot I’d like to get some ideas on what to do.
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

You just gotta start eating like a fatty forget about all those calories and stuff and just eat whatever sounds good follow those cravings and indulge them. All this calorie min/maxing takes the fun out of eating enjoy yourself!
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

I’ve tried a bit of calorie counting and making sure I hit my daily amounts plus an additional 600-1000 calories. It’s just if I stop at all I immediately lose it lmao. If I didn’t want to at least try and see what I’d be like with a bit of pudge I’d say I’m extremely lucky lmao

And how many calories are you burning a day?

Well just because of my job/working out I normally burn around 700-1100 depending on the day. I normally climb around 40 flights of stairs and lots of physical labor. Again none of this is ideal for that lmao but in the future once I change positions and whatnot I’d like to get some ideas on what to do.

I think you'll need to adjust your expectations. If you have a very active job, you will not gain quickly. Your best bet is a slow, long-term gain. You're in your early twenties, so your metabolism is still at its peak. It should start to slow down when you hit your mid-to-late twenties. Just indulge as much as you like, and the pounds will come. Although maybe not as quickly as you like.
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

Thank y’all for the tips. Sorry I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to numbers I don’t know why. I would just want to enjoy it it’s just hard to make progress lol
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

Thank y’all for the tips. Sorry I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to numbers I don’t know why. I would just want to enjoy it it’s just hard to make progress lol

The more you stress about it, the harder it will be for you. Weight gain is more than numbers or a data set. It's a lifestyle.

Remember everything you did to get in shape? It wasn't as easy as eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. It was a lifestyle change.
1 year

Tips and tricks for someone with a fast metabolism?

Thank y’all for the tips. Sorry I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to numbers I don’t know why. I would just want to enjoy it it’s just hard to make progress lol

The more you stress about it, the harder it will be for you. Weight gain is more than numbers or a data set. It's a lifestyle.

Remember everything you did to get in shape? It wasn't as easy as eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. It was a lifestyle change.

Well I guess it’s more like changing my habits and forcing myself to eat more until I get used to that smiley
1 year
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