Lifestyle tips

Hating myself for this fetish and being fatphobic to others out of self hatred

Nobody is obligated to be healthy, and you often can't tell just by looking at someone whether or not they are healthy. Obesity has health risks but that is none of your business when it comes to other people's bodies. We are all obligated to be respectful to each other.

Fat people are beautiful and you know that sexually but then reject yourself and the people you are attracted to. You don't have to buy into the fat acceptance content online to just take a neutral moral stance on other people's bodies. By fat shaming others you are perpetuating the very stigma which is causing you yourself suffering.
10 months

Hating myself for this fetish and being fatphobic to others out of self hatred

I'm glad the OP voiced it as others (whether twinks/smolfats or obese) engage in that mentality one way or another. Do others in your circle feel/act similarly?

I tend to keep my distance from those who feel that way as I don't want the negativity/that aura.

I do hope over years... you can come to terms with everything or playful teasing around others who understand/enjoy or tease back.

I also hope you don't catch the wrong fatty on a bad day, as the least 1 may do is to tell you about yourself.
10 months
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