Story authors

What do you think of stories where popular girls become fat nerdy girls?

Write it!
10 months

What do you think of stories where popular girls become fat nerdy girls?

What would you think of a story where a girl like her

is perfect but unhappy but then becomes happy after quitting salad, stop using hair dye, and ditches her contacts?

It honestly depends on how it's handled. There's nothing wrong with eating salad, using hair dye, or wearing contacts. So if it's handled as a "be true to yourself" story, I think that's fine. Maybe she was trying to be someone she's not, so she gives it up and becomes the chubby nerd.

Many of these popular-to-nerd stories tend to go another gross route, unfortunately. Sometimes, the popular girl has a fall from grace (usually a revenge plot) and becomes "ugly" (aka a fat brunette nerd). Other times, she's an air-headed bimbo that's "improved" by becoming a fat brunette nerd.

Both of these versions are misogynistic. The first one is extremely fatphobic.
10 months

What do you think of stories where popular girls become fat nerdy girls?

What would you think of a story where a girl like her

is perfect but unhappy but then becomes happy after quitting salad, stop using hair dye, and ditches her contacts?

I think it's really cute, and this is actually a pretty common and popular theme among feedist fiction. It's always enjoyable seeing women let themselves go and discover happiness while doing so.

Go for it!
10 months