Lifestyle tips

Dating profile nod

I tried to disguise my fetish by writing that I like to eat good food and lie on the couch. People without a fetish thought I was a cat and even flirted, but unfortunately few people continued to communicate when I told them it was a fetish

Crying shame. Society is incredibly fatphobic. If you're fat, you can only lose weight or be neutral towards your size. But the moment you try to get fat on purpose, people think you're a sick freak.
10 months

Dating profile nod

Crying shame. Society is incredibly fatphobic. If you're fat, you can only lose weight or be neutral towards your size. But the moment you try to get fat on purpose, people think you're a sick freak.

Yes, I actively searched for a girl who will not forbid me this fetish, but I never found her, but a large number of men were ready to fatten me, but I can not offer them anything, because heterosexual.
10 months

Dating profile nod

Crying shame. Society is incredibly fatphobic. If you're fat, you can only lose weight or be neutral towards your size. But the moment you try to get fat on purpose, people think you're a sick freak.

Yes, I actively searched for a girl who will not forbid me this fetish, but I never found her, but a large number of men were ready to fatten me, but I can not offer them anything, because heterosexual.

Pain. I know there are some Russian female feeders on here, but the ones I've seen are all taken. Maybe you could consider something online?
10 months

Dating profile nod

Crying shame. Society is incredibly fatphobic. If you're fat, you can only lose weight or be neutral towards your size. But the moment you try to get fat on purpose, people think you're a sick freak.

Yes, I actively searched for a girl who will not forbid me this fetish, but I never found her, but a large number of men were ready to fatten me, but I can not offer them anything, because heterosexual.

Pain. I know there are some Russian female feeders on here, but the ones I've seen are all taken. Maybe you could consider something online?

Yes, I've seen their posts here. We have a similar site, but it's all familiar faces there, as there aren't very many similar themed sites. Sometimes interesting personalities write, but it's always men.
10 months

Dating profile nod

Crying shame. Society is incredibly fatphobic. If you're fat, you can only lose weight or be neutral towards your size. But the moment you try to get fat on purpose, people think you're a sick freak.

Yes, I actively searched for a girl who will not forbid me this fetish, but I never found her, but a large number of men were ready to fatten me, but I can not offer them anything, because heterosexual.

Pain. I know there are some Russian female feeders on here, but the ones I've seen are all taken. Maybe you could consider something online?

Yes, I've seen their posts here. We have a similar site, but it's all familiar faces there, as there aren't very many similar themed sites. Sometimes interesting personalities write, but it's always men.

I feel you. I get excited when I see any female feeders join because it would be nice to bond over shared interests. But they don't stay for very long.
10 months

Dating profile nod

If it were me, I would have something in my profile like, “some of my interests are outside the mainstream. I consider myself to be open-minded in the bedroom (note: don’t say this if you don’t mean it obviously, but having something to *offer* and not just be asking for, could be encouraging for the right person) and I’m looking for someone else who can meet me in that same mindset.” I would also include somewhere else about how much I love food/eating- the person you’re looking for may pair those two together in their head, but hopefully it wouldn’t be too obvious.

Honestly, I think being candid is best. I understand being hesitant to be outright about it of course; it’s the goddamn internet and lots of people can be completely ruthless. You may have to block some of them. But if it is in your profile, you have a chance of someone else finding you who shares your kink(s) and who is not afraid to admit it. If they can at least be open-minded from the start, that makes breaking the ice about the details of your kinks much easier, and it is *definitely* better to have that discussion early on— not years down the road.

Personal anecdote: Before I got coupled, I actually found the entire online feederism community because I started chatting with a guy on a “normal” dating app who was upfront about being a BHM. His profile pic was just his belly; it shocked me and I was still dealing with sexual shame so I was surprised by it, but his forthrightness helped me go “fuck it we ball”, and that’s how I eventually wound up here.
10 months

Dating profile nod

We need a universal symbol that would be overlooked by most people. I always thought ending a sentence like this (.) would be good. Most might think it’s a typo, but it looks like a belly.
10 months

Dating profile nod

We need a universal symbol that would be overlooked by most people. I always thought ending a sentence like this (.) would be good. Most might think it’s a typo, but it looks like a belly.
10 months
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