
Why do you want to get fat?

What makes you want to gain weight? And what’s your favorite thing about fat?
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

because I’m a glutton and can’t control it anymore
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I just love how it feels to be full and fat. The sense of contentment as my already overfed body is weighed down by another oversized meal. The little feelings like a fat roll pressing against the armrest, or the neck fat being folded into chins when I look down.

It all comes together to form almost an all-day high, so long as I keep eating.

Exactly this. I love the feeling of being constantly satiated, the thrill of noticing my clothes becoming tighter, and realising I'm starting to jiggle in new places... 🥰🥰🥰🥰
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

What makes you want to gain weight? And what’s your favorite thing about fat?

One of the reasons was that I wanted people to be attracted to me for my personality, for who I was, rather than because I had a six pack and muscles.

I also found that I liked larger women, and they seemed to be put off when an in-shape guy was attracted to them. Now that I'm larger, it seems expected that I go for fat women and that they go for me, which is fine by me!

Since I've gained weight, there's no better way to break the ice than to complain about having to take the stairs or conversations over cooking.
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

It means I can actually enjoy food and eat more of it, rather than just the minimum to barely survive. And eating the bare minimum means a lack of energy. Of course, the downside is that I get hungrier when it's not convenient, but you get used to it and plan around it. You even look forward to it.

In America, there's NO social advantage to being skinny in any circle, if you're male.

You're more attractive to more women too. You have the softness they love to hug, even thin women too.

Some ladies joke about wanting a Chippendale or a 6-pack but let's get real, almost no one is like that. Someone who works full-time or more, can't go to the gym daily and be bored out of his mind. I almost wonder if that's where the "dumb jock" stereotype came from; it's damned BORING to spend too much time at the gym.

Same reason I don't want a gym bunny. Give me a teacher, a scientist, professional, etc. who just loves yummy food and well, might chow down on cake or other sweets while hard at work.

Subjective maybe but it seems like almost every man who's even close to successful, is at least "overweight" if not "obese" according to the CDC. Try to find anyone who has an income of at least 6 figures who isn't "overweight."

I feel more confident with weight gain, too. I love that I take up more space.

Sitting down is more comfortable too. Maybe the extra fat on my ass helps with that?
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I can't pinpoint any specific moment, but my desire to be fat has always been there. I was a skinny kid, but wanted to be fat. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't do it. Took me all the way til my sophomore year in college before I put on any weight.

But I've also been attracted to fat too. Before I met my wife, I had 3 girlfriends. One was chubby, one was skinny, but gained a bit unintentionally and the other was fat. My wife was fat when I met her, lost some before we got married and has done nothing but gain since. If I had to guess she's 310-320. Possibly more.

So fatness has been a part of me forever. My current goal is to gain past my high weight of 258. I'm thinking 275.
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

Would you be down to fatten me up? I'm craving for my favorite snacks while I send video content or live cam 2 cam.

I'm flattered, but I'm happily married.
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I just love how it feels to be full and fat. The sense of contentment as my already overfed body is weighed down by another oversized meal. The little feelings like a fat roll pressing against the armrest, or the neck fat being folded into chins when I look down.

It all comes together to form almost an all-day high, so long as I keep eating.

Couldn’t agree more. That’s how I feel too. My huge gut is like a very visible memory of all the yummy food I have stuffed myself with.
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I love how my fat body looks and feels. Especially my big belly. I love the feel of my fat and the more there is, the more I love caressing it
10 months

Why do you want to get fat?

For me it’s honestly been something I’ve had the desire for for a long time. I like the feel of soft fat and want to have more. Ultimately I also want to grow fatter for the enjoyment of myself and someone else. Kind of like fulfilling a fantasy while also pleasing a partner.
10 months
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