I can't understand why anyone would ever wear pants over their belly. It's constricting, it leaves marks, and it doesn't even look good. Bellies like to feel free. If it starts to spill over your waistband, you should just let it.
My Love has a very well-defined and deep waistline crease, with a significant upper belly and lower belly. She feels most comfortable putting her lower belly in her pants, with the pants waistband in the crease. She chooses fabrics and sizes which are not constricting, and only with the tightest, least-forgiving pairs are any marks left.
In terms of not even looking good, that’s clearly a matter of personal taste. I think her bellies look
great, with her big lower belly looking so prominent, round, and large in her pants, and her upper belly soft enough and big enough to spill over her pants waistband.
Thank goodness for diversity, in people and styles!