
I’ve been hurt

Ive been hurt. Badly. By my wife. She wants a divorce. She says she’s not in love with me anymore and that I make her feel lonely and sad and ugly and unwanted for 16 years. I feel wrought with guilt, hopelessness, shame, and most of all devastation. Heartbroken.
I know this has nothing to do with the theme of this website. But I do not have anyone in my life to reach out to.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

That is very sad indeed. I can only imagine this to be a very difficult time for you.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

Ive been hurt. Badly. By my wife. She wants a divorce. She says she’s not in love with me anymore and that I make her feel lonely and sad and ugly and unwanted for 16 years. I feel wrought with guilt, hopelessness, shame, and most of all devastation. Heartbroken.
I know this has nothing to do with the theme of this website. But I do not have anyone in my life to reach out to.

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think reaching out for help on a fetish site is best for you. You're more likely to get even more hurt. Even the most well-meaning person on this site is not equipped to provide you with the care you need.

Have you looked into therapy? A therapist is far better suited to provide you with the care and support you're lacking irl.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

I'm sorry to hear this. I've not experienced divorce myself, and can't help you, but I hope you find the help you need to get through this rough time.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

I'm sorry to hear this. I've not experienced divorce myself, and can't help you, but I hope you find the help you need to get through this rough time.

It's a doozy for sure, but I believe it's for the best. OP's FF profile gives a strong indication that he prefers men. And it also seems to imply that he's been using FF to connect with other male feedists.

I get that people are in the closet for a wide variety of reasons, but I can't imagine he was a good husband for a wife he doesn't appear to be attracted to.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

Ive been hurt. Badly. By my wife. She wants a divorce. She says she’s not in love with me anymore and that I make her feel lonely and sad and ugly and unwanted for 16 years. I feel wrought with guilt, hopelessness, shame, and most of all devastation. Heartbroken.
I know this has nothing to do with the theme of this website. But I do not have anyone in my life to reach out to.

You're going to get vilified beacuse people have a black and white view of infidelity.

I can't know what happened between you and your wife, but i've been on the receiving end of cheating (I didn't know I was the other woman and it was devastating). I'll just share some things I have learned:

1. Cheating is a *response* to a bad situation, not the cause of one. It's not a emotionally secure response. It's not healthy. You are doing a disservice to you, your wife, and potential current/future partners, regardless of how you feel about any/all of the above. But—it's a form of seeking connection that you aren't getting. And you *know* why you're not getting it. So don't let anyone tell you that the breakdown for your relationship with your wife is 100% on your shoulders—if you are coming to terms with your sexuality, that means it was always there and the incompatibility was really no one's fault.

2. You are doing a bad thing because *everyone* (including you) deserve to be happy and who they are and with those they love, but that does not make you a bad person. You can choose to stop doing the bad thing and do the thing you really need the right way.

3. Guilt is something that we can do something with. Shame is not. Shame is the only useless emotion we have—because it says we are defective by default. No human is born defective. Guilt is a feeling over something we *did* not who we are as a person. You can resolve guilt. You can find hope in your situation. It does mean respecting your wife's request for divorce, and it's likely what will bring you both the most peace. She deserves to have the freedom to be with someone for her, and you do too.

4. Many many times in infidelity and/or other bad relationship situations, people conflate their feelings and affection for their partner as a sign to continue and repair. This is a HUGE mistake. Feelings are what keep us attached. We can care about someone emotionally and still intellectually recognize and choose to act on doing something better for the situation.

5. People will try to make you feel like you deserve to be alone and shunned and that's not the case. That resolves nothing and only causes more pain for everyone. You DO have a responsibility to choose to do the right things at this time, moving forward, but beating yourself up over your past actions isn't fair and won't bring you the healingy ou need.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

I have been there too. Lots of counseling with and mostly without him. Bottom line? Cheating is all about the CHEATER. You are not to blame. Mine would have chested no matter who he was married to. The shame is ALL HIS.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

This wasn’t about infidelity. I ignored her feelings. I didn’t know how to deal with her depression so I ignored it. I was selfish. I thought only of me. I love this woman but I ruined it. Time to reflect and move on. I wish her the best. I hope she finds happiness and love. I’d like another chance but I’m not holding my breath. She’s made it clear it’s over.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

This wasn’t about infidelity. I ignored her feelings. I didn’t know how to deal with her depression so I ignored it. I was selfish. I thought only of me. I love this woman but I ruined it. Time to reflect and move on. I wish her the best. I hope she finds happiness and love. I’d like another chance but I’m not holding my breath. She’s made it clear it’s over.
10 months

I’ve been hurt

This wasn’t about infidelity. I ignored her feelings. I didn’t know how to deal with her depression so I ignored it. I was selfish. I thought only of me. I love this woman but I ruined it. Time to reflect and move on. I wish her the best. I hope she finds happiness and love. I’d like another chance but I’m not holding my breath. She’s made it clear it’s over.

This is all the more reason you need to see a therapist. Did either of you see one during your marriage? Because it sounds like it was strongly needed.
10 months
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