
What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I was raised an overweight child/teen due to abuse/parents giving me awful medicines I didn't need that caused painful unhealthy weight gain. I was tormented and bullied so badly for being overweight, to the point where I took drastic measures to make myself thin.

Consequently at the same time I always had a love for bigger fatter women. I kept it a secret.

Cartoons in which a character got fat or inflated was enticing to me at an early age, and as a teen I definitely stumbled across fat fetish art and was cringey about it. I accidentally almost let my friend circle overlap with my kink browsing and I was constantly paranoid I'd be harassed for my kinks. So tldr I had DEEP DEEP SHAME for having a weight gain fetish... up until my early adulthood.

Age 20 + I felt less shame. Started participating in the kinks myself into my twenties. Now here I am, 160 lbs of beefy butter ball.

I achieved abs and a fit body in an unhealthy way. I gave it all up because I think my pot belly is cute. Ironically now that I'm chubby I am a better athlete, so coming to terms with this kink has been a good thing for me.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I was a heavy child and teen. I was teased often but when I was 13 I got teased heavily. My cheeks were so big and I was bulging out of my gym outfit. The popular girls teased me and said I had hammy hamster cheeks and how hammy I was everywhere. I blushed but it aroused me. The first time I came was after school thinking about them teasing me.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I was raised an overweight child/teen due to abuse/parents giving me awful medicines I didn't need that caused painful unhealthy weight gain. I was tormented and bullied so badly for being overweight, to the point where I took drastic measures to make myself thin.

Consequently at the same time I always had a love for bigger fatter women. I kept it a secret.

Cartoons in which a character got fat or inflated was enticing to me at an early age, and as a teen I definitely stumbled across fat fetish art and was cringey about it. I accidentally almost let my friend circle overlap with my kink browsing and I was constantly paranoid I'd be harassed for my kinks. So tldr I had DEEP DEEP SHAME for having a weight gain fetish... up until my early adulthood.

Age 20 + I felt less shame. Started participating in the kinks myself into my twenties. Now here I am, 160 lbs of beefy butter ball.

I achieved abs and a fit body in an unhealthy way. I gave it all up because I think my pot belly is cute. Ironically now that I'm chubby I am a better athlete, so coming to terms with this kink has been a good thing for me.

You’ve come through so much and here you are — not merely surviving but thriving.

Oh, and chubby looks good on you. Those who bullied you have not stopped you, and the parents who mistreated you, you’ve outlasted them.

You are free now of all that. Good for you.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

When the first time was is hard to say.
I think it was triggered very early, perhaps by cartoons and my imagination.
I had access to my own computer at an early age and also knew how to use it, or how to use the search engine, so i searched for fat women on the internet and found Kelligrl.
That resulted in the first place from a fun website where there was the "I Want you fat way?" video.
Interesting that I have saved the pictures and, it was still in an age in which I have not ejaculated, but found it interesting and kind of erotic.
My brother has found the pictures a short time later and that had given me the damper that I had not looked further.
I guess i was about 11 maybe 12 years old.
A short time later i had my experience which has influenced me in this matter until today.

As a child and teenager, I spent every summer day at the lake or in the swimming pool whenever it was possible.
If i think about it correctly then i should have been 13 years old.
At that time i actually already knew that i was attracted to big and fat women, but tried to suppress this fact.
Anyway, one hot summer day after school i went to the pool with friends.
There were big meadow areas and we had looked for the furthest corner, so we had to walk a bit to get to the pool.
There i saw a SSBBW about 30-40 years old sitting on her blanket in a bathing suit, she was apparently alone with her little son.
I would estimate her at maybe mid 400. She had a wide, huge ass with massive legs.
A huge belly, pillow-like arms and many rolls of fat on her back.
At least i could get a pretty good view of her huge body because of the tight swimsuit.
Definitely one of the biggest women i've seen in public so far, at least where I could get a good look at the figure.
In public you rarely see such big women who don't try to retouch their body with clothes.

To see her later in the water, while i dived past with diving goggles was the greatest thing.
I wished at that moment to be there alone, so that i could watch her permanently.
Of course, today I would respect the privacy and maybe risk a look. If the situation arises of course also address, in a respectful, honest way.
But if I remember back, I would have preferred to spend the day incognito around her. To watch every step that she make.

But even so, I have seen her often enough that my pupil brain was completely overwhelmed with this experience.
I also remember seeing her get up and move around.
It really was a magnificent sight and i'm sure it left a strong impression on me, in any case i was aware that i liked what i saw.
And when I was able to process it, I knew the woman from the swimming pool was like Kelligrl.
Probably that is the really start.
It still took a long time until i really became aware and can give a f***about it.
But the older you get, the more indifferent the opinion of others becomes.

The stories here are just so filled with delight and wonder.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Used to stuff my clothes with my siblings to play "fat people." Followed me from that point on I guess

I used to do this with my sister and cousins too! I think this was one of my awakenings. I also loved when cartoon characters would get fat. I remember wanting to be fat just like them.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I don't remember when it started but it did develope more over time.
I remember that I always liked when a girl had a round chubby face. Chubby cheeks have always been so cute.
It really picked up when I saw weight gain in tv shows and movies and of course when I started drawing it.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Wow, I thought I had responded to this one already :-) But apparently not! ….

My first memory of encountering fat was a regained memory told to me years after the fact by my mother. I would play with the arm fat of any female relative when I was a toddler and was being held. I’m told my grandmother slapped me one time for doing it.

In young adulthood, I felt the attraction to chubby girls starting in middle school and on into high school. I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was out of high school (wasn’t ever part of the clique, as they say), but nothing turned me on like a pair of chubby cheeks, chubby upper arms or big thighs. Chubby bare feet still turn me on as well :-)

My first steady girlfriend wasn’t all that fat to start out with, but over five years we ate well enough to fill out the both of us. Her arms and belly puffed out mightily; probably gained at least 50 pounds being with me.

Another five-year relationship followed when I moved to another state. She was already heavy, about 5-6 and anywhere between 220 and 270 over the course of that time. She was insecure about it and, along with being bipolar and in denial about it, never really relaxed and enjoyed her own existence, much less her luscious figure.

I met my wife 10 years ago now, at a concert. Mutual friend of ours made sure we were both there. The friend figured we both needed to stumble upon each other after going through such rough previous relationships. I can still remember the first time I saw her short, 5-3 figure walking upon the rest of our friend group to meet up. A black blouse cut low to emphasize what I would eventually find out were 46 DDD breasts. Cute, chubby face and such a soft touch with everything. I was smitten, though it was another year before we started dating officially.

I was slowly but steadily getting a big ol’ ball belly during these years. A big, hard visceral fat basketball belly! She sure hasn’t minded, being a big girl herself for so long now. She was actually a tiny teen, just with out-of-proportion breasts for what was then her figure. I just recently saw pics of her at 13 that I hadn’t seen before. It’s truly amazing how petite and skinny she was before puberty and the rest of her teen years.

She had her first child barely out of high school and, according to her accounts, gained between 80 and 100 pounds between the pregnancy and health-related issues with certain meds’ effects on her. Three years later, she had the depo shot for birth control and got pregnant (and fatter) anyway with her second child. Wish I’d have known her then so I could have witnessed her waistline explode and her belly grow from being barely there to being so huge and sexy that she stopped wearing underwear at a certain point. Her butt also grew into a full-fledged “buttshelf” during that time. This is as good a point in the story as any to mention her bra band size was only in the low 30s entering her 20s. So that’s more than 12 inches gained just in her middle since then :-)

We had our first child together three years ago now. She was already just at 300 pounds, so she didn’t have to gain but maybe 20 during the pregnancy. Today, she’s a proud 340 pounds with a spirit that’s just as soft and tender as her skin :-) We’d have each other no other way but fat and happy :-)
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Probably European Vacation. Audrey's dream where she eats and eats until she blows up like a balloon was oddly cool for me.
10 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I had 2 completely separate awakenings to my fetish, about 19 years apart.

The first time I realized I had a fetish for bellies, weight gain, and such, I was extremely young, so young I don’t even remember it. It was just always there. My mom tells stories about how funny it was that when I was a toddler, I would rewind movies to rewatch the parts where a character overeats, gets fat, gets stuck in something because their belly is so big, etc. and that I would laugh and smile so much at those parts.

As I got a little older, I somehow innately knew I needed to keep this interest a secret. I would play alone in my room and act out fantasies with my dolls and stuffed animals. I never touched myself but I remember being physically turned on. I used a little tape recorder to record my stories while I roleplayed. I knew I was different and weird for liking these things, so I kept the tapes hidden.

I had all the typical interests. Stories, books, tv shows, and movies with fat themes would be reread/rewatched endlessly, and I loved the feeling I got each time I indulged. I had no desire to actually fatten myself, but I did like pretending to have a tummy ache and rubbing my own belly while moaning. I often padded while playing by myself or with friends too. Otherwise, my fetish was mostly based on admiration of others. I had a secret inner world of delightful fantasies.

Everything changed when I was about 8. We moved to a new house and my roleplaying tapes went missing. I tried to act normal as I asked my dad if he knew where they went, but I was obviously panicking. He sat me down and forced me to tell him what was on the tapes, but I didn’t even really know how to put it into words… I simply ended up saying, “I like fat people.” I was sobbing and humiliated. When he finally realized there was nothing dangerous on the tapes, he eased up and dropped the topic, but the damage was already done.

The shame I felt afterwards was so intense that I unintentionally repressed everything I had ever felt or thought or done about my belly fetish. I truly did not think about it for more than a decade. It was like I had deleted an entire part of my identity. Looking back on it now, I feel so sad for my younger self.

As a teenager, I had a vast, exploratory, and rocky sex life. I tried very hard to be “normal.” Even still, I did explore some more mainstream kinks, and some of them I really enjoyed. But nothing was ever like my belly fetish. With the repression of my belly fetish also came the repression of my bisexuality, so I only experimented with boys for the majority of my teen years.

I moved out of my parents house with my boyfriend at 18. One night, about a year into us living on our own, I was lying in bed with him sleeping next to me, exploring fetish content online. I came across something belly-related (I can’t even remember what now), and an overwhelming feeling of both familiarity and shame washed over me. It hit me so hard that I cried right then and there. A flood of memories came back to me- the play sessions as a kid, the cartoons and books, the tapes, the confrontation with my dad. I felt confused and disgusted with myself and horribly embarrassed and curious all at once.

I tried to push the fetish away again but it was like the floodgates had opened. I was so ashamed that I couldn’t talk about it at first, even with my boyfriend. I was so sure that this fetish made me a terrible person. But eventually the desire to explore it overpowered my feelings of shame, and I very, very, VERY slowly started to tell some of the closest people to me about it, eventually exploring it in small ways with sexual partners.

Now, at 27, I still struggle with shame, but it has lessened steadily over the years. I’ve even met a couple real life friends and partners who share my fetish and it has brought me so much joy. All my sexual partners now know about it and are extremely kind, respectful, and welcoming of my fantasies. I don’t engage in feedism in real life and I’m not sure I would want to, but I enjoy the fantasies and community so much. Just writing and posting this is evidence of how far I’ve come. I want to start posting my erotica and opening up more to this integral part of my sexuality. It’s a beautiful thing, really.
9 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I had 2 completely separate awakenings to my fetish, about 19 years apart.

The first time I realized I had a fetish for bellies, weight gain, and such, I was extremely young, so young I don’t even remember it. It was just always there. My mom tells stories about how funny it was that when I was a toddler, I would rewind movies to rewatch the parts where a character overeats, gets fat, gets stuck in something because their belly is so big, etc. and that I would laugh and smile so much at those parts.

As I got a little older, I somehow innately knew I needed to keep this interest a secret. I would play alone in my room and act out fantasies with my dolls and stuffed animals. I never touched myself but I remember being physically turned on. I used a little tape recorder to record my stories while I roleplayed. I knew I was different and weird for liking these things, so I kept the tapes hidden.

I had all the typical interests. Stories, books, tv shows, and movies with fat themes would be reread/rewatched endlessly, and I loved the feeling I got each time I indulged. I had no desire to actually fatten myself, but I did like pretending to have a tummy ache and rubbing my own belly while moaning. I often padded while playing by myself or with friends too. Otherwise, my fetish was mostly based on admiration of others. I had a secret inner world of delightful fantasies.

Everything changed when I was about 8. We moved to a new house and my roleplaying tapes went missing. I tried to act normal as I asked my dad if he knew where they went, but I was obviously panicking. He sat me down and forced me to tell him what was on the tapes, but I didn’t even really know how to put it into words… I simply ended up saying, “I like fat people.” I was sobbing and humiliated. When he finally realized there was nothing dangerous on the tapes, he eased up and dropped the topic, but the damage was already done.

The shame I felt afterwards was so intense that I unintentionally repressed everything I had ever felt or thought or done about my belly fetish. I truly did not think about it for more than a decade. It was like I had deleted an entire part of my identity. Looking back on it now, I feel so sad for my younger self.

As a teenager, I had a vast, exploratory, and rocky sex life. I tried very hard to be “normal.” Even still, I did explore some more mainstream kinks, and some of them I really enjoyed. But nothing was ever like my belly fetish. With the repression of my belly fetish also came the repression of my bisexuality, so I only experimented with boys for the majority of my teen years.

I moved out of my parents house with my boyfriend at 18. One night, about a year into us living on our own, I was lying in bed with him sleeping next to me, exploring fetish content online. I came across something belly-related (I can’t even remember what now), and an overwhelming feeling of both familiarity and shame washed over me. It hit me so hard that I cried right then and there. A flood of memories came back to me- the play sessions as a kid, the cartoons and books, the tapes, the confrontation with my dad. I felt confused and disgusted with myself and horribly embarrassed and curious all at once.

I tried to push the fetish away again but it was like the floodgates had opened. I was so ashamed that I couldn’t talk about it at first, even with my boyfriend. I was so sure that this fetish made me a terrible person. But eventually the desire to explore it overpowered my feelings of shame, and I very, very, VERY slowly started to tell some of the closest people to me about it, eventually exploring it in small ways with sexual partners.

Now, at 27, I still struggle with shame, but it has lessened steadily over the years. I’ve even met a couple real life friends and partners who share my fetish and it has brought me so much joy. All my sexual partners now know about it and are extremely kind, respectful, and welcoming of my fantasies. I don’t engage in feedism in real life and I’m not sure I would want to, but I enjoy the fantasies and community so much. Just writing and posting this is evidence of how far I’ve come. I want to start posting my erotica and opening up more to this integral part of my sexuality. It’s a beautiful thing, really.

That is very sweet and touching. I hope that you manage to find acceptance and banish all traces of shame for what should be a joyful, happy thing.
9 months
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