
Food getting more expensive

I'm from the UK so I don't know how much this will apply.

For McDonald's, check the app for any offers. E.g. Monday they regularly do things like discounted food items and they have a loyalty scheme.

Check your local area for any other chains or independents which might offer better value.

Food delivery apps also regularly do offers, I'm getting offers for half price fruit and veg on Mondays from Uber eats and from others things like 20% off one or two days a week.

Check if the supermarkets have something like a rewards programme which might help a little one way or another.
10 months

Food getting more expensive

Shrink-flation is also a growing trend. Arby's in particular downsized their large shakes by almost half, a shorter thinner cup that used to pass for a medium or small for basically the exact same price! Wtf...
Also noticed the Hormel pepperoni packet contains almost half the amount of pepperoni slices despite packaging remaining about same size? Among tons of other things that now have a lower net weight or the food itself seems to be of lesser quality too not just quantity.
It literally costs me double, sometimes triple at checkout for the same essential items I've purchased for years. Bunch of bs!
10 months

Food getting more expensive

The fact that everything else other than wages has gone up is a product of the way capitalism functions! Employers, as a social role (which more or less controls wages) are always, with zero exceptions, subject to the reality that cutting wages down, leaves more money as profits! The solution lies in the abolition of employer - employee division of society, which requires a new socioeconomic system that will not create social classes (like, employer - employee, or lord - surf, or master - slave)
One example, in the microscale of things, is worker-owned cooperatives. They're basically businesses that run democratically, without a board of directors, or owner, who has dictatorial authority over decision making on the production of goods and services!

Is that easy to pull off? No. Not at all.

Is it something we have to work towards? Apsolutely!

I don't know if i explain it well enough, but i hope you understand, comrade! c:
10 months

Food getting more expensive

Doughnuts, ice cream, mashed potatoes, peanut butter are still relatively cheap and fattening.
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.
10 months

Food getting more expensive

Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods overall, and it is probably my favorite food for gaining because I can eat multiple regular size jars a day. Mixing it with jelly is another classic calorie boost, of course. Adding butter, and oil to various things (I.e. vegetables, pasta, rice, etc.) also works well. I also like using lard whenever possible. I can pack it on very quickly when I want to 🙂
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.

Supply chain issues is the result of profit maximization. If you care to learn about it, here, watch this:
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.

Supply chain issues is the result of profit maximization. If you care to learn about it, here, watch this:

This is? Basic information? Not even close to groundbreaking.
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.

Supply chain issues is the result of profit maximization. If you care to learn about it, here, watch this:

This is? Basic information? Not even close to groundbreaking.

Indeed, it's basic information i intended to say to everyone to check it out because very few people are in a position to actually realize what's going on!

It's like how the system crashes on 4 to 7 years on average, and media always pictures it like it was some externality which caused it! That the system is sensitive, not that it's unstable!

People have to learn about this!
10 months

Food getting more expensive

Indeed, it's basic information i intended to say to everyone to check it out because very few people are in a position to actually realize what's going on!

It's like how the system crashes on 4 to 7 years on average, and media always pictures it like it was some externality which caused it! That the system is sensitive, not that it's unstable!

People have to learn about this!

Enas. Time and place. If you want to educate people on this, don't do it on a fetish website. Please and thank you.

You're in college. If this means so much to you, join or create a club.
10 months
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