
Red pill or blue pill ?

The red pill takes you on a one-way trip towards your feederism fantasies, you'll be sure to want to plunge completely into the fantasy without hesitation, without regret, so you'll no longer be on the fence.

The blue pill makes you forget all your fantasies without impacting your happiness. You'll be like most of the people around us again, satisfied with the usual sex, you'll want to exercise and take care of your health while being just as happy.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Personally I'll take the blue pill without hesitation, it may sound sad but I'm so powerless to this fantasy that even if I don't want to, for lots of reasons they're winning me over more and more, I love my slim body that I have I have a rather athletic bodybut I'd like to see it become a 500lb blob of fat addicted to junk food and for the past few months it's been getting more and more real I'm really getting fatter and the most worrying thing is that it's turning me on more and more.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

I understand your feelings but I might choose the red one. Loving feederism fantasies is one of the ways I identify myself. When I lose myself in these fantasies, it’s like I lose a part of who I am.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Yeah I’d take the red pill honestly I’ve not enjoyed myself and let myself indulge in this kink for so long to please others. That I want to focus on me and grow into a body that makes me happy and hope to find someone that is happy with that as well.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

blue pill because if I took the red pill nothing would change 😎
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

I would take the blue pill reason being not a whole lot would change, but it would hurt him for me to be a little healthier and not affect my happiness one bit

Hurt him? Are you safe right now? Do you need help?
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

taking into account that my fantasy is a world of endless fat people, RED PILL!
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

The red pill takes you on a one-way trip towards your feederism fantasies, you'll be sure to want to plunge completely into the fantasy without hesitation, without regret, so you'll no longer be on the fence.

The blue pill makes you forget all your fantasies without impacting your happiness. You'll be like most of the people around us again, satisfied with the usual sex, you'll want to exercise and take care of your health while being just as happy.

redpill small price to pay for all the care and love i need and want and ill just be nice and soft as side thing
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Oh no, no no no that was a a typo It was supposed to say it wouldn’t hurt me to lose the weight right now for my own personal health that kind of deal I got to see you I’m in no danger.

I do apologize if I caused any type of stress or heartache right now.

Nah, you're good. Glad you are okay.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Personally I'll take the blue pill without hesitation, it may sound sad but I'm so powerless to this fantasy that even if I don't want to, for lots of reasons they're winning me over more and more, I love my slim body that I have I have a rather athletic bodybut I'd like to see it become a 500lb blob of fat addicted to junk food and for the past few months it's been getting more and more real I'm really getting fatter and the most worrying thing is that it's turning me on more and more.

I'd also take the blue pill. My thinking is completely different tho. At first i care more about what i do than what my identity is. (I don't fully understand why it's such a big part of today's culture) i see a lot of wrong in the world and... Someone must work on that, otherwise we're heading deeper and deeper into the dystopia, we already live in.

And, btw, feederism is a means of satisfying our basic need! I get that, but as a human being, i couldn't live without art, without a sense of exploring the universe, without caring for my fellow human beings, on every level! That's what makes me happy! That's what i find a purpose in. That's what's meaningful in life!

But there isn't a blue pill. So i might end up like I've taken the red pill instead! Who knows!
10 months
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