
Crossing from feeder to gainer

I’m on the verge of jumping to the other side. I have no one to feed, so I’m thinking about possibly feeding myself. I’m wondering if anyone has experience in this?
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Feel free to read my post on this topic called “Evolution of Feedism.” It’s a very recent post.. It gives you my perspective and you can let me know if you feel similar.
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

I’m on the verge of jumping to the other side. I have no one to feed, so I’m thinking about possibly feeding myself. I’m wondering if anyone has experience in this?

It's a whole pipeline. It usually happens one of two ways:

A feeder has no one to feed so they feed themselves.

A feeder has a feedee, and their gluttonous habits start to rub off.
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

It’s not like we can turn off our kink. It just finds another outlet. And right now I’m the only option!
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

It’s not like we can turn off our kink. It just finds another outlet. And right now I’m the only option!
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

It’s not like we can turn off our kink. It just finds another outlet. And right now I’m the only option!

Behold your future, big boy:

Have fun ~
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Herocomplex , is that so you can watch me grow. Because that is very encouraging!!!
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

It's something that tends to happen sooner or later. I started sliding down that slope and I'm only picking up steam
While I very much still consider myself a feeder as I've always been, the feedee side of me doesn't look like it'll be suppressing itself anytime soon either. Enjoy the ride mate!
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yeah, I can’t believe what I’m going to do to myself. But I can’t deny that the urge has gotten so strong that I’m not able to reign it in this time.
11 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Question, did you have a ton of anxiety about crossing the line?
11 months
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