
Crossing from feeder to gainer

As others have said, this is a very common pipeline smiley it’s a fun pipe! Are you looking for advice? I saw you ask about anxiety—are you feeling anxiety?

In my own experience, “crossing the line” was, in reality, far less dramatic than it initially seemed. Over the years, I’ve had periods of time where I enjoyed gaining, and periods where I didn’t.

That said, depending on the time period, I’ve had different motivations for gaining/being a feedee. When I’ve done it because I didn’t have anyone else to feed, I didn’t *really* enjoy myself, and stopped quickly. During the periods where I was constantly horngry and really wanted to be fatter, it was (of course) GREAT and lasted much longer. It took experimentation to really get it. YMMV.

I can’t say that I was anxious about “crossing the line”. Presently, I do sometimes experience some mild anxiety from being a fat person living in a fatphobic society. Gaining also led me to encounter unconscious/internalized fatphobia I didn’t think was there. That’s been eye opening.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yes, some advice would help!! I think I have worries of what co workers and family may say!! If I’m being honest. And I don’t me to share tmi. But I stuffed myself for the first time Tuesday night and my heart was pounding and I was shaking. But I took the last bite and I came!! I don’t no why or how but it happened ! Again sorry for the tmi!! It’s like I want to feel myself grow softer and bigger but it scares me to give into that.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yes, some advice would help!! I think I have worries of what co workers and family may say!! If I’m being honest. And I don’t me to share tmi. But I stuffed myself for the first time Tuesday night and my heart was pounding and I was shaking. But I took the last bite and I came!! I don’t no why or how but it happened ! Again sorry for the tmi!! It’s like I want to feel myself grow softer and bigger but it scares me to give into that.

I wouldn’t worry about it I’ve gained 260 pounds (assuming I’m around 400 still, doubtful 😌) and the most I’ve gotten was unsolicited diet advice more than once, one time when I was still like barely overweight someone said I was starting to look like them (they were like obese fat) and I got “are you trying to get as big as a house” to which i shut down instantly not gonna fat shame me, boundaries were set and haven’t been broached since. That’s the big thing set boundaries let people know you’re not there punching bag just like minorities are not. It’s not okay to bully.

But yeah we fetishize fat and eating so we are weird about it to most people it’s not that big of a deal… people might say something but it’ll come from a place of concern or meaning well cause ultimately people aren’t out to hurt other peoples feelings unless there some kind of sociopath
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yes, some advice would help!! I think I have worries of what co workers and family may say!! If I’m being honest. And I don’t me to share tmi. But I stuffed myself for the first time Tuesday night and my heart was pounding and I was shaking. But I took the last bite and I came!! I don’t no why or how but it happened ! Again sorry for the tmi!! It’s like I want to feel myself grow softer and bigger but it scares me to give into that.

Morbidly A Beast:
I wouldn’t worry about it I’ve gained 260 pounds (assuming I’m around 400 still, doubtful 😌) and the most I’ve gotten was unsolicited diet advice more than once, one time when I was still like barely overweight someone said I was starting to look like them (they were like obese fat) and I got “are you trying to get as big as a house” to which i shut down instantly not gonna fat shame me, boundaries were set and haven’t been broached since. That’s the big thing set boundaries let people know you’re not there punching bag just like minorities are not. It’s not okay to bully.

But yeah we fetishize fat and eating so we are weird about it to most people it’s not that big of a deal… people might say something but it’ll come from a place of concern or meaning well cause ultimately people aren’t out to hurt other peoples feelings unless there some kind of sociopath

I agree. I think that what you will find is that as you go from normal weight to slightly overweight and then overweight, that is when you will most likely get comments from family, friends and co-workers. And most of those comments will be well meaning even if maybe with a little sarcasm. Best to just let them know that you are enjoying the freedom of eating good foods and don’t mind if you gain some weight. Once you get fat enough, there won’t be as many comments as mentioned above most people don’t want to be bullies. All bets might be off if you’re cooking up gainer shakes and filming your stuffing sessions. But once you become fat, people won’t say much even about that.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer


I can’t say that I was anxious about “crossing the line”. Presently, I do sometimes experience some mild anxiety from being a fat person living in a fatphobic society. Gaining also led me to encounter unconscious/internalized fatphobia I didn’t think was there. That’s been eye opening.

Would you please elaborate on this last paragraph? I'm genuinely interested by what you mean - what type of fatphobia did you encounter in your self?
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer


I can’t say that I was anxious about “crossing the line”. Presently, I do sometimes experience some mild anxiety from being a fat person living in a fatphobic society. Gaining also led me to encounter unconscious/internalized fatphobia I didn’t think was there. That’s been eye opening.

Would you please elaborate on this last paragraph? I'm genuinely interested by what you mean - what type of fatphobia did you encounter in your self?
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

I've definitely thought about taking the plunge myself. My wife gained a lot of weight over course of our relationship but has recently started to lose a bit of weight for health reasons (she was up to almost 400 pounds, but is now in the 370 range). I recently did a 30 day stuffing/gaining challenge and that was a lot of fun. It also seemed to set my new baseline weight up about 10 pounds. I was thinking of maybe doing a second challenge and seeing if I could up the ante even more. Or maybe instead I just gain a pound for every pound she loses? I'd already have to gain 23lbs if I did that lol.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yes, some advice would help!! I think I have worries of what co workers and family may say!!

Valid concerns. I'm gonna echo what some others have said, with slightly different phrasing:

For you as a guy, my bet is that there wouldn't be many consequences from family or coworkers--probably just a few comments. But it really does depend on the people.

Here's some advice from my own experience: think about how these people have talked about fat people to you or around you. Doing that helped me think about how I might respond to certain important people in my life. I had a pretty good idea who was gonna say nothing and who was gonna say something, and I had a decent idea the kind of thing they were gonna say (e.g., some lighthearted teasing as a way to probe about my weight, vs. direct comments expressing genuine concern).

But I stuffed myself for the first time Tuesday night and my heart was pounding and I was shaking. But I took the last bite and I came!! I don’t no why or how but it happened ! Again sorry for the tmi!! It’s like I want to feel myself grow softer and bigger but it scares me to give into that.

Second piece of advice: be careful about those shakes lol--shaking from excitement is great, but shaking cuz your body can't handle what you're putting in it gets into medical territory beyond what fellow forum users can responsibly advise about lol.

Third piece of advice, since you brought up nutting: take any "post nut clarity" with a grain of salt and pay attention to how you feel about stuffing and gaining at other times--eg, before, during, well after, and at random times when you're just a person with a body. That last one has been the most important to me--how do I feel about how fat I am (and the prospect of being fatter) when I'm just hanging out, away from sexy times or stressful social situations?

Fourth piece of advice: enjoy yourself! That's the point! If you enjoy stuffing, try that again. And if you find stuffing is all you like and you don't want to gain, that's totally cool too! And it's okay if the answer changes with time.

Hope something there is helpful!
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Would you please elaborate on this last paragraph? I'm genuinely interested by what you mean - what type of fatphobia did you encounter in your self?

Sure! Here's an example: one time, I was walking in town and noticed I was uncomfortable because I was sucking in my gut... but why was I doing that in that situation? I reflected, and realized that I was trying to avoid being perceived as fat. Why was I trying to avoid it? Apparently, to some degree, I'd internalized socially dominant narratives about being fat = bad.

So I instead decided to be propaganda and walk around being my actually fat self.

Does that kinda get at what you meant?
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Thank you green tree!!! That’s really nice of you to offer your advice. Im just really confused and excited and anxious all at once.
10 months
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