
What does fat symbolize to you?

I was just curious what people's mental associations with fat are, besides the obvious fact that it turns them on? And do you think these are somehow connected to the reason that you have this fetish?

I've always thought of bigger guys as somehow strong, cuddly protectors. Like, it makes me feel safe to have one on (or by) my side. Beyond that, cooking and eating can be emotionally charged and intimate acts even for vanilla people. To see a person who wears extra signs of that on their body conjures up those same associations for me. Also, people who know how to eat seem like people who know how to have a good time in general.


Aside from enjoying the texture, I feel neutral about fat outside of kink. However, if I am the reason someone has gotten fat, it makes me feel domestic. I enjoy cooking delicious food, but I only feed the people I like. So if I feed you a lot, and you gain weight from it, it's because I like you a lot.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

It means life experience to me. Been through a lot and you’re earned the right to stuff yourself however much you want, even if it means bursting through your clothes :-)
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

My wife made me extreme as a feeder.

For me, obesity represents love and admiration. Find the one you love and fill the world with with more of them. It's not for everyone- in fact it's for very few.

But as she told me herself: "My belly's so big because you love me so much!"

"I'll get even bigger if you love me harder!"
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

I associate fat with comfort and warmth. Symbolizing abundance and luxury, it serves as a reminder of life's good things.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

For me fat symbolizes decadent overindulgence and gluttony
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Physically existing in a body that feels like mine, tenderness, sensuality, comfort and care, love transformed to softness
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

I love reading all of these responses.

It means a few different things to me:

1. Being fat is physically attractive to me - if I hear someone described as "fat", my reaction is immediately positive about that person and I already have a positive inclination/impression.

2. Touch and feeding are my love languages - I am attracted to fat people because there is literally more of them, and any weight gain that is the result of my feeding/encouragement is a physical indication of someone receiving my love.

3. Intentional fatness and weight gain are "metal" as hell - to reject a lifetime of cultural norms and to embrace fatness is an awesome sign of confidence, rebelliousness, or undeniable indulgence. This is an amazing turn on, and excites the part of me that resists my obedient and unassuming upbringing.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

1. It represents strength to me, at least as much as muscle does.

2. It represents a “don’t mess with me”.

3. Yet it represents friendliness, maybe because of the old saying that “fat people are jolly”.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Morbidly A Beast:
For me fat symbolizes decadent overindulgence and gluttony
For instance, when u see someone eating a huge piece of cake, u think about how excessive it is, and u think this symbolizes their overindulgence.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Morbidly A Beast:
For me fat symbolizes decadent overindulgence and gluttony

For instance, when u see someone eating a huge piece of cake, u think about how excessive it is, and u think this symbolizes their overindulgence.

Precisely. But instead of others it’s my own habits lol
11 months
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