Feedback and suggestions

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

Like on simple rules like don't beg to be fed and such.

Dont troll ask before DMing and such.

Im sick of all the randoms who pop in begging to be fed and such.

Like before the chat room loads have an 2-3 ABCD question on the rules so when someone is common with the chat can fill them out fast and if the person fails amount of times they are locked out for like 5 minutes.
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

Like on simple rules like don't beg to be fed and such.

Dont troll ask before DMing and such.

Im sick of all the randoms who pop in begging to be fed and such.

Like before the chat room loads have an 2-3 ABCD question on the rules so when someone is common with the chat can fill them out fast and if the person fails amount of times they are locked out for like 5 minutes.

Having a pop up reminder of the rules is nice, but I don't think it will be effective. That only works for people who plan on following the rules but don't know what they are. Ditto goes for the quiz. Plus, that can present an accessibility issue

It would be better to have a moderator in chat at all times - kinda like a life guard. But I don't know if FF has the staffing for that. The only regular moderator that I know of in the chatroom is Dragorat. But he's usually just on from 11 PM EST to 1 AM EST.
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

Like on simple rules like don't beg to be fed and such.

Dont troll ask before DMing and such.

Im sick of all the randoms who pop in begging to be fed and such.

Like before the chat room loads have an 2-3 ABCD question on the rules so when someone is common with the chat can fill them out fast and if the person fails amount of times they are locked out for like 5 minutes.

Having a pop up reminder of the rules is nice, but I don't think it will be effective. That only works for people who plan on following the rules but don't know what they are. Ditto goes for the quiz. Plus, that can present an accessibility issue

It would be better to have a moderator in chat at all times - kinda like a life guard. But I don't know if FF has the staffing for that. The only regular moderator that I know of in the chatroom is Dragorat. But he's usually just on from 11 PM EST to 1 AM EST.

I know too few mods I've have wanted to help w in nodding the chat and I've done so few years on other platforms.

As for now people will not some people read the rules but at the same time it educates both good people and miseducated people that scammers that post the spam links
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

This is something that I put forward as a suggestion last week and is in our to do list for new features. So good to know others think this may be helpful!

As munchies says, it would be beneficial to have a moderator in chat 24/7. Unfortunately we don't have the resources for that. The moderators are volunteers, and spend a lot of there time also checking content sections, general site areas and forums along with dealing with and responding to abuse reports, as well as popping into chat and making sure everything is ok... Unfortunately, issues that arise in chat can happen at anytime so a moderator may not be present. Please note that while we may not be able to take action immediately, sending screenshots to us will mean situations are dealt with and warnings / bans applied as appropriate to anyone breaking rules.

FF Team
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

I'd much MUCh rather get a "user would like to private chat" popup like we used to int he old chat.
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

And pleeeease, make it so that the first message they send, can be viewed, also before they waste one DM charge on them! (often just to find out the most uninteresting "hi" text, or something horny, when it's not even welcome) because then the dm goes to waste. Besides, knowing what a person types you before you decide to spend one dm charge on them, is valuable to deciding whenever it's worth it or not!
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

I'd much MUCh rather get a "user would like to private chat" popup like we used to int he old chat.

And pleeeease, make it so that the first message they send, can be viewed, also before they waste one DM charge on them! (often just to find out the most uninteresting "hi" text, or something horny, when it's not even welcome) because then the dm goes to waste. Besides, knowing what a person types you before you decide to spend one dm charge on them, is valuable to deciding whenever it's worth it or not!

I really like both of these ideas. Will put this into our new feature suggestions.

Thanks for your feedback!

FF Team
1 year

Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

another thing I was thinking about today, perhaps down the road, is minimum *account* age in order to chat and/or DM. Lots of people constantly re-deleting accounts, going into chat, harassing people, and leaving. can't even be caught before they dip out again. If an account had to be minimum 3-7 days old it could curb that a bit. Wouldn't completely elminiate the problem but would help catch IP evaders and the like also.
1 year