Extreme obesity

I don't know what being slim is?

I don't know why I tried to lose weight. I've never been small. I've always been big.

I remember trying to lose weight for my mom, not me.

When I tried to lose weight on my own I only lost a few pounds by 20. 50 pounds was the most I've ever lost.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm really going to love myself. I don't want to lose weight or stop eating.

I'm going to enjoy being fat and beautiful. Because I am. In and out.
10 months

I don't know what being slim is?

I was slim up until I started highschool. I was 136 pounds. But by the time I graduated four years later, I weighed 245 pounds and I never have been thinner since. I love being obese
10 months

I don't know what being slim is?

never have i ever been considered skinny, i've always been big
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

It's funny, my wife looks like she's getting younger as she gains hundreds of pounds.

She found old 1990s Polaroids of her when she was skinny and the first thing she said was

9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

Here We Go Again:
I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)

As someone who's slimness is disappearing fast, I can tell you're not missing much by not having that experience.

Haha so no FOMO there right 🤣
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

Here We Go Again:
I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)

So amazing and such a huge (!) inspiration!
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

Here We Go Again:
I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)

So amazing and such a huge (!) inspiration!

Awww thanks ☺️🐷
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

Here We Go Again:
I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)

So amazing and such a huge (!) inspiration!

Here We Go Again:
Awww thanks ☺️🐷

You are welcome, you show charm and lead the way!
You make me want to eat even more and realize that a good belly can become much, much bigger, just amazing, it feels so good!
9 months

I don't know what being slim is?

Here We Go Again:
I’ve been obese since I was a young kid and just gradually kept gaining and was 420lbs by the time I was 18. I dieted in my 20s but the lowest my weight got was about 250lbs. Now I’m at my fattest ever at 622lbs and feel sexier than ever :-)

So amazing and such a huge (!) inspiration!

Here We Go Again:
Awww thanks ☺️🐷

Btw. my go-to Burger King order is two medium double Whopper Cheese meals with chocolate shakes and 18pc nuggets. I feel you could coach me to increase this!
9 months
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