Feedback and suggestions

Dead site?

So it wasn't just me then right? 🤣
1 year

Dead site?

I cant get anything to work either as of 16:23 EST
1 year

Dead site?

From what I can see, all of the second to top level pages are broken. For example, I can get to the forum by going to the home page, clicking on someone's profile, clicking on "posts", going to a post, and then clicking "topics" at the top, but the base "forum" link will just give a blank page.
1 year

Dead site?

I can’t access anything smiley hallllp
1 year

Dead site?

At times i could access only my profile! Later, the hole site was down! 😂
1 year

Dead site?

Thanks for getting in touch, and we apologies for any inconvenience with not being able to access the site.

We have been aware of the issue which occurred Wednesday 4pm BST, and have been working round the clock to get this fixed. Unfortunately we experienced some technical issues with the server. This resulted in the the site not functioning properly at first, and the site was completely down yesterday while we fixed the error and restarted the server.

Everything should be back up and running as normal now, but let us know fi you experience any issues with the site over the ext. couple of days.

FF Team
1 year

Dead site?

Hi all,

As an update, we know there are issues with video uploading, uploaded profile cover images and you can not access the activity page on profiles.

We hope to get these fixed by end of today.

If you notice any other issues, do let us know!

FF Team
1 year

Dead site?

Profile activity page and profile cover uploads have now been fixed. Still working on video uploads, please bear with us folk, were slowly getting there!

FF Team
1 year

Dead site?

Hey Folks,

So we have got the vdeo uplaod sorted now and the site seems to working as normal. Thanks for being patient with us as we went through and got this fixed!

If you do encounter other issues that we may have missed, please let us know.

FF Team
1 year