Fat experiences

What food do you most identify with?

For me it’s the jelly donut.

Interested in hearing others food identities
11 months

What food do you most identify with?

Lasagna - because I have orange hair, and I'm a cat.

Lol - jk - I think I would most closely identify with a bacon cheeseburger. A bit salty in some sections, but consistent and savory. (Also round with a nice set of buns?)
11 months

What food do you most identify with?

Lasagna - because I have orange hair, and I'm a cat.

Lol - jk - I think I would most closely identify with a bacon cheeseburger. A bit salty in some sections, but consistent and savory. (Also round with a nice set of buns?)

Do you also not care for Mondays?
11 months

What food do you most identify with?

Chocolate. It's romantic and defies health/junk food categories.

Chocolate is a strong pic.

My reasoning for the jelly donut is that it’s so decadent and also thicc around the middle smiley
11 months

What food do you most identify with?

11 months

What food do you most identify with?

I kinda joke to myself that my belly is made of pancakes and my thighs are made of milkshakes. Kinda truth, lol.
11 months

What food do you most identify with?

11 months

What food do you most identify with?

Chocolate, a couple of pieces, delish mm🍫😁
11 months