
Other intuitive eaters?

I was just curious if anyone else on this site who isn't actively gaining considers themselves an intuitive eater? I've noticed the way that calories, food/cravings, and how a body gains or loses weight are usually discussed here. This isn't meant as a criticism at all, but it seems like more people understand these concepts through the lens of standard dieting wisdom than not?

I’m so removed from diets and stuff at this point but I saw a tik tok diet person do a tiktok where they said most people who intuitively eat don’t actually “intuitively eat” but they just eat whatever they want, which absolutely that’s how I operate, but if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a calorie deficit she explained it better. It was funny because she did it in the context of a cookout and she had like 3 hot dogs and heaping pile of potato salad while the other her (her actually just eating moderately)

Still don’t know what Intuitive eating pertains to
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I was just curious if anyone else on this site who isn't actively gaining considers themselves an intuitive eater? I've noticed the way that calories, food/cravings, and how a body gains or loses weight are usually discussed here. This isn't meant as a criticism at all, but it seems like more people understand these concepts through the lens of standard dieting wisdom than not?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m so removed from diets and stuff at this point but I saw a tik tok diet person do a tiktok where they said most people who intuitively eat don’t actually “intuitively eat” but they just eat whatever they want, which absolutely that’s how I operate, but if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a calorie deficit she explained it better. It was funny because she did it in the context of a cookout and she had like 3 hot dogs and heaping pile of potato salad while the other her (her actually just eating moderately)

Still don’t know what Intuitive eating pertains to

Lol. A lot of people on social media like to mock or distort intuitive eating, but the premise is that diets don't work or they take up too much mental energy to be worth it. It allows people to pursue health but requires them to drop preconceived notions of what that looks like. The point that this tiktok woman missed is that the goal is for people to listen to their bodies (which can be really hard in the beginning) and practice gentle nutrition.

Here’s the video it was a YouTube short not a tik tok lol
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I was just curious if anyone else on this site who isn't actively gaining considers themselves an intuitive eater? I've noticed the way that calories, food/cravings, and how a body gains or loses weight are usually discussed here. This isn't meant as a criticism at all, but it seems like more people understand these concepts through the lens of standard dieting wisdom than not?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m so removed from diets and stuff at this point but I saw a tik tok diet person do a tiktok where they said most people who intuitively eat don’t actually “intuitively eat” but they just eat whatever they want, which absolutely that’s how I operate, but if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a calorie deficit she explained it better. It was funny because she did it in the context of a cookout and she had like 3 hot dogs and heaping pile of potato salad while the other her (her actually just eating moderately)

Still don’t know what Intuitive eating pertains to

Lol. A lot of people on social media like to mock or distort intuitive eating, but the premise is that diets don't work or they take up too much mental energy to be worth it. It allows people to pursue health but requires them to drop preconceived notions of what that looks like. The point that this tiktok woman missed is that the goal is for people to listen to their bodies (which can be really hard in the beginning) and practice gentle nutrition.

Morbidly A Beast:
Here’s the video it was a YouTube short not a tik tok lol

I do this. I didn't realize that I was doing this. But I switched over to intuitive eating when I stopped being a gainer.
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I’m in the process of doing this now. It is an anti diet more or less. You take out the labels of good food and bad food. Simply eating what you want when you want and listening to your body’s cues to when you’re hungry and full. Focusing on how you feel. Was the food satisfying, am I overly full , how did I feel while eating that. It’s a good way for people with internalized fat phobia/obesiphobia to make peace with food and stop restricting what they eat and have a healthy relationship with food. Teaching you to embrace your body in it predisposed set weight. Some lose weight and some gain. Most gain some weight due to years of restricting dieting. It’s teaches that all bodies are different and to embrace yourself wether you’re soft and a bit bigger or thin or just something in between. Helps you with the mental hurdles of self acceptance.
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I've been doing it for four years now and honestly it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. The only downside is that it took a lot of wind out of the sails of my fantasies to realize that most people with healthy metabolisms won't endlessly gain weight by eating whatever they want. But it also gave me new respect for how hard a lot of gainers must have to work to achieve their results.

Some people have to work really hard for others they gain weight just looking at a cheeseburger just so happens I am in the later category not the former I think it’s cause my metabolism is so out of wack from cutting weight for all those years
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I've been doing it for four years now and honestly it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. The only downside is that it took a lot of wind out of the sails of my fantasies to realize that most people with healthy metabolisms won't endlessly gain weight by eating whatever they want. But it also gave me new respect for how hard a lot of gainers must have to work to achieve their results.

Morbidly A Beast:
Some people have to work really hard for others they gain weight just looking at a cheeseburger just so happens I am in the later category not the former I think it’s cause my metabolism is so out of wack from cutting weight for all those years

The irony of restrictive eating is that it you can end up fatter than you planned.

Of course, I'm not advocating for restrictive eating to gain weight. Why restrict your eating, risk health issues, and be miserable when you can just enough food and be happy?

It's a no brainer for me.
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

For me it’s about being free and excited to eat again and not being stressed out! And if I get a lil chubby that’s is of because I am attracted to bodies of all shapes. Having the ability to feel happy in one own body is my goal!!
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

Thank you!! I lift weights so I’m hoping that helps! But I’m still thinking it’s going to fluff me up a bit at first.
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

Foreverffa, I am really nervous about the gaining if it does happen. How did you get though the honeymoon phase and getting past the internalized fatphobia anxiety? Did it bother you to gain weight? And how long did it take for you to level off?
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

how do you differentiate between gluttonous cravings for food and what your body wants/needs? Maybe I used to be able to differentiate them but I currently can’t I’m either starving or almost stuffed/stuffed
10 months
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