
What does fat symbolize to you?

Ideally being fat is the result of out of contol gluttony and sensuous stuffing.
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Being fat means for me being forced to be naked all the time
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Morbidly A Beast:
For me fat symbolizes decadent overindulgence and gluttony

For instance, when u see someone eating a huge piece of cake, u think about how excessive it is, and u think this symbolizes their overindulgence.

It just turns me on

me too
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

It means life experience to me. Been through a lot and you’re earned the right to stuff yourself however much you want, even if it means bursting through your clothes :-)

It means the freedom of eating whatever you want and gaining weight.
well I like that pov
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Fat symbolizes beauty. But it also stands for freedom, the freedom to eat what I want, when I want it and however much I want. And last but not least, it means contentment, the kind you experience when you are stuffed full of your favorite foods.
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

I'm still just overweight. In my opinion, real fat is comming only from obesity, but when I see my increasing fat I am excited and a little humiliated. Especially when I compare it to my skinny figure a few months ago.
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Comfort, warmth, softness, beauty. There are so many more but those are the top.
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Masculine power. A belly on a man signifies authority in the same way muscular biceps do.
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Beauty, softness, comfort, something to conquer and play with
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

My wordy & poorly thought out take on things:

Fact #1: Skin is the most attractive organ of the body.
Fact #2: A fat person is probably gonna have more skin than others on account of fat not existing outside of said person's least I hope not.

The sheer amount of skin and its lovely soft compliance is wonderful to smush up against...sooo much contact!

Other fun anecdotes include:
Why does one like bewbs? Soft, round and jiggly.
And how about butts? Soft, round and jiggly.
So if other body parts are soft, round and jiggly...that's good right?

1 year
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