
What body contrast means to you?

Is it

1) one person fat, other person skinny?

2) one person fat, other person muscular?

And on a different dimension

A) feeder short, feedee tall

smiley feeder tall, feedee short?

For me it's 2 and B!
I like my feeder to be able to overpower me, which is emphasized even more if she's shorter than me (because she has to be even more capable on overpowering me, in other ways, if height won't do)
10 months

What body contrast means to you?

Is it

1) one person fat, other person skinny?

2) one person fat, other person muscular?

And on a different dimension

A) feeder short, feedee tall

smiley feeder tall, feedee short?

For me it's 2 and B!
I like my feeder to be able to overpower me, which is emphasized even more if she's shorter than me (because she has to be even more capable on overpowering me, in other ways, if height won't do)

I mean ... these are all types of body contrast.

I will say that height contrast brings a fun element to things.

I'm 5'7". My partner is 6'2". In the context of kink, it's a lot of fun seeing my much larger partner eager to fulfil my every whim. Anyone can dominate a smaller partner, but it takes a special kind of relationship to dominate a bigger one.
10 months

What body contrast means to you?

1 for me I wannna out weigh you x4
10 months