Fat experiences

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I was sick last week and still have my belly roll after not eating for three days 😅
10 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

As I continue to gain, I'm drawn to music that suggests abundance like this "oldy but goody":

Also, this somewhat more modern one:
10 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Choosing to let my belly hang out freely over my pants rather than try to suck in or take up less space - it's so much more comfortable, but I just feel so fat when I think about it lol
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

out of breath every time I climb stairs, its kind of concerning me
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

out of breath every time I climb stairs, its kind of concerning me

Might want to add some light to moderate exercise to improve your quality of life.

So long as you eat more calories than you burn, you won't lose weight. If anything, it will make you hungrier.
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I walk everyday but thats bout it.
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I walk everyday but thats bout it.

Might wanna look into increasing your activity level. And also look into your diet and see if there's anything you need to cut back on. Don't gotta reduce your calories, but you can play around with things.
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I walk everyday but thats bout it.

Might wanna look into increasing your activity level. And also look into your diet and see if there's anything you need to cut back on. Don't gotta reduce your calories, but you can play around with things.

tru, just didn't think id be getting out of breath n so sweaty this easily.
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I walk everyday but thats bout it.

Might wanna look into increasing your activity level. And also look into your diet and see if there's anything you need to cut back on. Don't gotta reduce your calories, but you can play around with things.

tru, just didn't think id be getting out of breath n so sweaty this easily.

This means that you were reckless with how you gained. Assuming your profile is up to date, you are both taller and lighter than I am. Putting aside the fact that we have completely different body compositions, this means your struggles have nothing to do with your weight.

It is entirely possible to be much fatter than you are right now, but not die when you go up the stairs. But you would need to exercise more and eat healthier foods.

Remember that size does not equal fitness. I'm in better shape than some people who are lighter than I am. And there are plus-sized athletes who are in better shape than I will ever be. If you want to keep growing without your body disintegrating on you, you might wanna look into that.
9 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I don’t struggle breathing but I am also extremely active for someone my size, but I do find it hard keeping up with a pace of groups while walking it just takes a bit more effort moving a heftier body imo. Sweat is sort of inevitable especially this summer it was so hot.

I had Covid last year and it really messed with my breathing capacity I would lose breath, and it didn’t really recover for a long ass time, could you be having something to do with that?
9 months