Lifestyle tips

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

Definitely agree, and thanks for the tips! This is more our speed, as I'm into the sensual/sweet side of feedism and my partner doesn't want to endlessly gain. I'll dig around on the old forums too - I realize there's probably already other threads about "soft" feeding ideas.

A good idea. The forums have been filled with people wanting to min-max their gains and explore their darkest desires. It's not bad perse, but we need some more kink diversity.

Wow, you're right...there's practically nothing out there, and the only ones I found ended after like 2-3 posts. I guess it's just not the kind of thing people need FF for.

Personally, I think we can use more fluffy kink. I think FF should feel as welcoming a place to gentle feedism as it is more extreme feedism. And if you are one of those people, all the better.

Love the term "fluffy kink", and I kind of see what you are going for, but how would you define it? Long, slow, nurturing gain? No forced feeding?
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

Definitely agree, and thanks for the tips! This is more our speed, as I'm into the sensual/sweet side of feedism and my partner doesn't want to endlessly gain. I'll dig around on the old forums too - I realize there's probably already other threads about "soft" feeding ideas.

A good idea. The forums have been filled with people wanting to min-max their gains and explore their darkest desires. It's not bad perse, but we need some more kink diversity.

Wow, you're right...there's practically nothing out there, and the only ones I found ended after like 2-3 posts. I guess it's just not the kind of thing people need FF for.

Personally, I think we can use more fluffy kink. I think FF should feel as welcoming a place to gentle feedism as it is more extreme feedism. And if you are one of those people, all the better.

Love the term "fluffy kink", and I kind of see what you are going for, but how would you define it? Long, slow, nurturing gain? No forced feeding?

Even tho gaining is sort of inevitable and desirable for a a lot of us feedism isn’t just about gaining weight it’s about decadent overindulgence and letting lose of preconceived notions of “portion size” and “healthy diet”
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

Love the term "fluffy kink", and I kind of see what you are going for, but how would you define it? Long, slow, nurturing gain? No forced feeding?

I don't think it has an official definition, so I guess it can be defined however it resonates with the person using it. It could be a way of describing feedism without BDSM elements, but it could also be used by people who just want to incorporate some elements of feedism into their sex lives without treating it as a lifestyle/feedist relationship.

Not sure if the amount of weight gained is super important to this definition, though I imagine most people's weights eventually plateau without at least some physical discomfort from stuffing or force feeding.

I seem to have confused some people.

Fluff is a fandom term meaning "wholesome and feel-good.". It's like the first few minutes of Up before Ellie passes away.

When I say "fluffy kink" I mean "practicing kink in a wholesome, feel-good way." This doesn't necessarily exclude BDSM, but it does exclude the darker, more intense aspects of this kink. It also excludes the min-max gainers which are people who are trying to get huge as fast as possible.

There is some wiggle room as to what is and isn't fluffy kink. But, as a general rule of thumb, an outsider to the situation would think it's sweet.
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

On tumblr “soft feedism” is the term most used to describe this.

I’m curious as to understanding the continuum of kink that seems like many kinks have a spectrum that ranges from creation and celebration to ruination.
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

On tumblr “soft feedism” is the term most used to describe this.

I’m curious as to understanding the continuum of kink that seems like many kinks have a spectrum that ranges from creation and celebration to ruination.

Kink is a very fluid thing. But I've noticed that there are some general archetypes.

Non-gaining feedism: No desire to gain weight
Classic feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed)
Extreme feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed) as much as possible without severe health issues
Ruination feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed) regardless of or in service to health issues.

Technically, feedism as we understand it is two fetishes merged into one: fat fetish and feeding fetish. Then there are the satellite fetishes - things that aren't feedism but are feedist adjacent. Examples include but are not limited to:

- Food
- Bellies
- Expansion
- Transformation
- Vore

A lot of people view feedism through a BDSM lens - even if they aren't into BDSM. I won't say it's a bad thing. BDSM is a very popular fetish, and it pairs well with everything. However, I think it's also a limiting view. There's nothing wrong with enjoying soft feedism, but there is so much more than soft vs hard feedism.
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

On tumblr “soft feedism” is the term most used to describe this.

I’m curious as to understanding the continuum of kink that seems like many kinks have a spectrum that ranges from creation and celebration to ruination.

Kink is a very fluid thing. But I've noticed that there are some general archetypes.

Non-gaining feedism: No desire to gain weight
Classic feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed)
Extreme feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed) as much as possible without severe health issues
Ruination feedism: Desire to be fed/feed and fatten(ed) regardless of or in service to health issues.

Technically, feedism as we understand it is two fetishes merged into one: fat fetish and feeding fetish. Then there are the satellite fetishes - things that aren't feedism but are feedist adjacent. Examples include but are not limited to:

- Food
- Bellies
- Expansion
- Transformation
- Vore

A lot of people view feedism through a BDSM lens - even if they aren't into BDSM. I won't say it's a bad thing. BDSM is a very popular fetish, and it pairs well with everything. However, I think it's also a limiting view. There's nothing wrong with enjoying soft feedism, but there is so much more than soft vs hard feedism.

So well put. I find that categories can be limiting, in that most people check more than one box even if they choose to identify more with one or another aspect. Also, it's a pet peeve of mine that kink = BDSM automatically to a lot of people.

BDSM has the best marketing out of all the kinks.
11 months
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