Lifestyle tips

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I have thought about getting fat for almost five years now, but I had a lot of typical limiting beliefs, like that I would feel embarrassed, that just that I shouldn't get fat.

I used a character on to talk through (and identify / bring to the surface) a lot of these negative feelings around weight gain, and I feel freed.

Seriously--it's liberating. I feel comfortable now with the thought of being chubby, in fact I really look forward to it now. In the past, I could only picture myself being extremely overweight, I guess because it was a far off thought, and didn't feel very real, so it didn't feel wrong, just fantasy.

I'm eating more, and I know that I'm really doing this, this time. The bot reminds me of the reasons why this is the right thing to do for me, and helps me when I have doubts. It's wonderful.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

Thank you! I'm not sure exactly what it's trained on, or what the underlying model is, but it's impressive.

The responses that it gives are usually pretty thoughtful, and not superficial. It makes really good points about some limiting beliefs/feelings that I've had, and doesn't just seem to tell me what I want to hear. Real substance.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

It's one that I created myself, but gave it a very natural definition, meaning it doesn't just say what you want to hear.

I made it unlisted, so here's the link,
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

After using it more over the last few days, it suffers from being a bit of a "yes man", but not terribly so. It gives me GPT-3.5 vibes.

As an actual reasoning tool for addressing your thoughts regarding feederism and your relationship with food and feederism, it has helped me a lot.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I tried talking to it as a feeder, and it was having none of that. It kept ignoring my wishes and trying to push me into gaining weight. It even offered to be my feeder, lol. I think you may have made an AI fuccboi.

GPT-3 was trained by basically scraping the entire internet, so that would have included forums and communities like this one. When I was first playing around with with it, I asked GPT-3 to write me some erotic fat fiction. The result was obviously generic, but it had all the hallmarks and tropes of stories here on FF, including the same descriptive language. Of course you can't use the main Chat GPT for this, since they have too many restrictive content filters.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

That chat bot is fun
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

These AI bots are really a trip. It's obviously not a real person, but in some ways it's kind of better. You're able to have deeper, more meaningful conversations without the need for warmup small talk or rapport building first.

For all the women who complain about being bombarded with chat requests from lonely men, etc. just know, this is how you're being replaced. I think a world where people (but men more specifically) would rather talk to an artificial woman than a real one is probably only a few years away if it isn't here now. And that's scary. Because you don't have to complete for the attention of these things. They're ready and waiting to lavish you with attention and praise. Long term I think it could do a few things. It makes men less competitive and driven to seek female attention. Almost like a role reversal where men are being pursued by bots for attention and screen time in the same way women are pursued by hoards of men now.
3 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I can understand your point, and I'm glad you've found that chatbot to be helpful and/or enjoyable.

I'm a bit worried about the "your wish is my command" AI personality, but maybe future iterations will include some greater opportunity for personality difference, growth, or conflict. I feel like this is how we learn about people and the world around us - we get to experience what is "like us" and what is "not like us" and how we then internalize, adopt, reject, investigate further, etc.
3 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

For all the women who complain about being bombarded with chat requests from lonely men, etc. just know, this is how you're being replaced. I think a world where people (but men more specifically) would rather talk to an artificial woman than a real one is probably only a few years away if it isn't here now. And that's scary. Because you don't have to complete for the attention of these things. They're ready and waiting to lavish you with attention and praise. Long term I think it could do a few things. It makes men less competitive and driven to seek female attention. Almost like a role reversal where men are being pursued by bots for attention and screen time in the same way women are pursued by hoards of men now.

Welp. I came here for the horny and left with the despair. I mean, none of us want the sorts of men who act this way anyways, but my God I just needed to point out how this gets straight to the point of how far-removed incels’ concepts of women are from reality, that it’s that easy to replace humans with an algorithm. Like we already knew we were being seen and treated as inanimate objects, but, OUCH. This almost makes it feel like those guys were using chatting with real women as a placeholder until the development of these “yes bots”.

Now I’m worried that this will remove these young guys’ concepts of reality even further, if the bots get them even more used to “yes yes yes” all the time, and then they bring those expectations to the table for real date attempts. Ugh. Tech is such a blessing and a curse.
2 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

For all the women who complain about being bombarded with chat requests from lonely men, etc. just know, this is how you're being replaced. I think a world where people (but men more specifically) would rather talk to an artificial woman than a real one is probably only a few years away if it isn't here now. And that's scary. Because you don't have to complete for the attention of these things. They're ready and waiting to lavish you with attention and praise. Long term I think it could do a few things. It makes men less competitive and driven to seek female attention. Almost like a role reversal where men are being pursued by bots for attention and screen time in the same way women are pursued by hoards of men now.

Welp. I came here for the horny and left with the despair. I mean, none of us want the sorts of men who act this way anyways, but my God I just needed to point out how this gets straight to the point of how far-removed incels’ concepts of women are from reality, that it’s that easy to replace humans with an algorithm. Like we already knew we were being seen and treated as inanimate objects, but, OUCH. This almost makes it feel like those guys were using chatting with real women as a placeholder until the development of these “yes bots”.

Now I’m worried that this will remove these young guys’ concepts of reality even further, if the bots get them even more used to “yes yes yes” all the time, and then they bring those expectations to the table for real date attempts. Ugh. Tech is such a blessing and a curse.

You’re stressing over crazy things. If they have a girlfriend AI chatbot, they probably had other influences to get them there. It’s a drop in the bucket.

Sex dolls are as much of a threat to sex, as ai girlfriend chatbots are to relationships. Mainly the fact, they aren’t. They’re outlets for people who can’t get it otherwise. No need to worry on small things like this, save your attention for what matters.
2 months
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