
Pushing limits

The people who caution about aggressive stuffing and hard-core gaining are absolutely right. (Note, I said "caution about", not "caution against".) In an effort to gain back some lost weight and ultimately get to 450-500, I started super-stuffings constantly. I was gaining 10 pounds a week, easily, and never leaving any room in my stomach I didn't immediately fill. I loved the journey and the filled past the limit sensation, but about a month ago, I started to have weird neurological symptoms, like tingling, and skin numbness, as well as severe back and upper belly pain. I'm not abandoning my goal, by any means, but I decided to back off on the extreme stuffings for a while and let my body heal. But guess what? I find eating normal meals almost impossible. Yesterday, my partner and I went to a pub. He ordered a Philly cheesesteak and side salad. I ordered a double mushroom Swiss burger and tater tots, 1200 calories according to the menu. Based on nutritional standards, I had a very large meal, but my body didn't think so. I downed everything, but I didn't even feel like I had eaten at all. He gave me a fourth of his cheesesteak, but I still felt not just unsatisfied, but empty. I ended up getting queso with soft tortillas, adding another 1,800 calories. The fact is, I absolutely wanted more, but I stopped myself, because with beer, I had already exceeded 4,000 calories in a sitting. Had I been intentionally stuffing, I honestly could have easily had a fast food meal on the way home, but I refrained. The reality is, I think I also was averaging way more calories than I calculated when I was constantly stuffing. I usually documented around 15,000, but that number was likely well over 20,000. And last week, I put on 5 pounds while thinking I was eating conservatively. The appetite is a bizarre thing.
8 months

Pushing limits

The people who caution about aggressive stuffing and hard-core gaining are absolutely right. (Note, I said "caution about", not "caution against".) In an effort to gain back some lost weight and ultimately get to 450-500, I started super-stuffings constantly. I was gaining 10 pounds a week, easily, and never leaving any room in my stomach I didn't immediately fill. I loved the journey and the filled past the limit sensation, but about a month ago, I started to have weird neurological symptoms, like tingling, and skin numbness, as well as severe back and upper belly pain. I'm not abandoning my goal, by any means, but I decided to back off on the extreme stuffings for a while and let my body heal. But guess what? I find eating normal meals almost impossible. Yesterday, my partner and I went to a pub. He ordered a Philly cheesesteak and side salad. I ordered a double mushroom Swiss burger and tater tots, 1200 calories according to the menu. Based on nutritional standards, I had a very large meal, but my body didn't think so. I downed everything, but I didn't even feel like I had eaten at all. He gave me a fourth of his cheesesteak, but I still felt not just unsatisfied, but empty. I ended up getting queso with soft tortillas, adding another 1,800 calories. The fact is, I absolutely wanted more, but I stopped myself, because with beer, I had already exceeded 4,000 calories in a sitting. The fact is, had I been intentionally stuffing, I honestly could have easily had a fast food meal on the way home, but I refrained. The reality is, I think I also was averaging way more calories than I calculated when I was constantly stuffing. I usually documented around 15,000, but that number was likely well over 20,000. And last week, I put on 5 pounds while thinking I was eating conservatively. The appetite is a bizarre thing.

Sounds about right.

I appreciate you making the distinction you made when you said "caution about" versus "caution against."

Extreme weight gain and stuffing are very fun - but only in the short term.

That said, I wish you all the best. You've stretched your stomach out. It will shrink in time, but it will not be comfortable.

That said, there are some things you can do in the meantime. Some foods make you feel fuller for longer. Here's an article for example:

Remember, the goal isn't weight loss. It's just to help you suffer less while you wait for your stomach to recover. You probably won't lose any weight. If anything, you'll gain at a slower rate before eventually maintaining.
8 months

Pushing limits

The people who caution about aggressive stuffing and hard-core gaining are absolutely right. (Note, I said "caution about", not "caution against".) In an effort to gain back some lost weight and ultimately get to 450-500, I started super-stuffings constantly. I was gaining 10 pounds a week, easily, and never leaving any room in my stomach I didn't immediately fill. I loved the journey and the filled past the limit sensation, but about a month ago, I started to have weird neurological symptoms, like tingling, and skin numbness, as well as severe back and upper belly pain. I'm not abandoning my goal, by any means, but I decided to back off on the extreme stuffings for a while and let my body heal. But guess what? I find eating normal meals almost impossible. Yesterday, my partner and I went to a pub. He ordered a Philly cheesesteak and side salad. I ordered a double mushroom Swiss burger and tater tots, 1200 calories according to the menu. Based on nutritional standards, I had a very large meal, but my body didn't think so. I downed everything, but I didn't even feel like I had eaten at all. He gave me a fourth of his cheesesteak, but I still felt not just unsatisfied, but empty. I ended up getting queso with soft tortillas, adding another 1,800 calories. The fact is, I absolutely wanted more, but I stopped myself, because with beer, I had already exceeded 4,000 calories in a sitting. The fact is, had I been intentionally stuffing, I honestly could have easily had a fast food meal on the way home, but I refrained. The reality is, I think I also was averaging way more calories than I calculated when I was constantly stuffing. I usually documented around 15,000, but that number was likely well over 20,000. And last week, I put on 5 pounds while thinking I was eating conservatively. The appetite is a bizarre thing.

Sounds about right.

I appreciate you making the distinction you made when you said "caution about" versus "caution against."

Extreme weight gain and stuffing are very fun - but only in the short term.

That said, I wish you all the best. You've stretched your stomach out. It will shrink in time, but it will not be comfortable.

That said, there are some things you can do in the meantime. Some foods make you feel fuller for longer. Here's an article for example:

Remember, the goal isn't weight loss. It's just to help you suffer less while you wait for your stomach to recover. You probably won't lose any weight. If anything, you'll gain at a slower rate before eventually maintaining.

Thank you for the guidance, and yes, I'm definitely still seeing gains. It's just not 10 pounds a week, which I knew wasn't sustainable forever anyway. And I don't regret putting on so much weight so quickly. I love the way I look. But pushing my body so hard had consequences, and real life is not weight gain fiction. The reality of gaining 220 pounds in 16 months (80 of which happened in 10 weeks) is that:

- I had some scary digestive issues, including a week of constipation, carrying around 25 pounds of waste. Not to be graphic, but that almost required an ER trip.
- My blood pressure was dangerously high (stroke level) and is still problematic.
- I've had shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
- I had belly button pain and tingling. I still have numb patches on my abdomen.
- When I was gaining 10 pounds a week, I had two cracked stretch marks. One still hasn't healed.
- I can no longer stand more than 5 minutes because of hip and back pain.
- I struggle with stopping, even when I've eaten 5,000 calories, because my brain recognizes any room in my stomach as hunger

Again -- I don't have regrets, but I join you in cautioning people (with no judgement, just genuine care) that pushing limits for extended periods of time takes a toll on physical and cognitive health, finances, and lifestyle. I'll still get to 450 (or more), but when I do feel well enough to do massive, extreme stuffings, they'll probably be confined to an evening or a weekend rather than lasting for weeks of months.
8 months

Pushing limits

That's a very good point - and a good example that by "pushing the limits" some of us refer to a casual event of pushing how much can fit into the body at once - and others push the limit of how much can be gained (and kept) in the shortest period of time.

But what makes us want to push the limits? smiley

For me (as casual stuffer without wanting to gain) the stretched-out feeling is like winning a sport and some kind of sexy.

What makes you do it?
(Especially to the gaining department, as I can't feel into that but would be really interested to know)
8 months

Pushing limits

recently ive tried this, my belly is already 'hard' fat yet my skin feels even tighter after I gorged myself I was breathless n sweaty
8 months

Pushing limits

I have done it once. Very hard in the first time to make yourself overstuffed. Hope I could repeat it over and over.

It’s easier only if you not mean it, like recently I just started to overeat as part of a nervous eating 😑
8 months

Pushing limits

... today night (means in about 8h) I have some free time and I'd like to check my capacity limit smiley

Who's up for a chat or maybe a parallel stuffing to compete and encourage and pushing?
8 months

Pushing limits

I haven't done it yet but this description sounds so fantastic that I definitely have to try it
7 months

Pushing limits

Bloated after another night of stuffing. I'm getting more daring with this kink. I sat shirtless after dinner to watch a movie with my s/o. I was high and just finished a huge portion of pasta. I sat there with half a bag of halloween candy and ate almost all of it before the first half of the movie. I made sure to face my s/o with my belly exposed and flopped on my lap. I left every wrapper on my bloated belly so she could see how much of a pig I was being. I probably looked like a high embarrassing fat pig. It was weird adjusting myself on the couch. I could feel the weight of my stomach, the tightness, the rolls on my side plopping out were they could. I need to mix up the flavor. Ice cream time. I made sure to walk around doing some random tasks in-between getting the ice cream ready. I wanted to give her as many chance to see how much of a pig I was being and looked. As I ate my ice cream I sat forward. My belly rested heavy with its rolls on my lap. I've never looked this huge. I should care that I'm letting myself go. But instead I just keep getting aroused from it.

Can I make it tonight without looking like a fat f***? 🥵🥵 If anyone teases and humiliates me I think it'll end up being a repeat for sure🥵🥵 I'm still bloated this morning🥵🥵
7 months

Pushing limits

Ohh yes i agree,
I love stuffing myself on the most unhealthy junkfood i can find, and keep eating till i can baerly breathe because im so over stuffed, i love feeling the pain in my stomach, and how tight my belly is on top, and how soft it still is in the bottom.
When im so full i cant swallow another bite i what a few minutes and then i push myself to chug as much Soda or chocolate milk as i can 🤩 its the best feeling, being so painfully stuffed, and at the same time knowing the insane amount of unhealthy things i have consumed will make me even fatter and add even more new red angry stretchmarks and fat to my body😈🤩🤤
7 months
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