
Imagine one shop

Yeah, I would like all sorts of weird vegetarian stuff plus handmade ice cream plus maybe a good buttered roll, plus an Indian buffet. And happy hour.
10 months

Imagine one shop

SSBBW Summer:
Full of your favourite foods and snacks. Everything you like in that one shop. Wouldn't that be great!

Amazon, Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, HEB ....

You get the idea

Morbidly A Beast:
I don’t think they understand we’re Americans. We have them all at one store lol

SSBBW Summer:
If you have let's say a favourite item that is only available at one store, wouldn't it be better if it was available at one store instead of going to multiple stores? Do you get what I'm saying?? Lol

Morbidly A Beast:
I get what you are saying and like yeah I can get it all in one place and it’s Walmart… pretty much everything else I get is online. Listen you underestimate how much a single 30 year old man needs

SSBBW Summer:
So what about my favourite cheese I can only get at a specific store. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have one store where all your favourite things are?????? Must be just a dream of my own.

We are trying to tell you that your dream is an American reality.

It is if you never live abroad. I can't find most of my favorite foods in American stores now, and if I do, they're overpriced smiley

Alas, I am too poor to afford the luxury. I've only gotten to a point where I can afford to save within the past 3 to 4 years. Maybe one day ...
10 months

Imagine one shop

One store that sells literally everything I could want or need, at reasonable prices?

I don't think it's politically, or legally possible. Even if it was, free market forces would force it to adapt or go out of business quickly, because apparently I have a lot of esoteric tastes, some of which are sufficiently out of the real-life mainstream, even if possibly within the media mainstream.

But, even if it was somehow possible, possibly in some sort of alternate universe, guess what? I still wouldn't want it.

I'd like to have some variety in where I go. How dull would it be if I only ever shopped at one place, even if it was theoretically possible?
10 months

Imagine one shop

The "One Stop Shoppe" would be awesome - and I'll add that in this fantasy, I'd love it if this place could stock things that I like that are no longer available.

My favorite candy of all time is Jolly Rancher Jolly Jellies - they were Jolly Rancher candy-flavored gummi chews that were coated in a granular sugar (like the Haribo Gummi Peaches). I know it might not be great for blood sugar and insulin levels, but I could crush a whole large bag of those things and enjoy every single crunchy sweet bite from start to finish.

My magic store would resurrect foods like this and other things that I've forgotten about.

They'd also stock new stuff that I haven't tried yet as a way to expose me to new foods that I would love. Maybe there would be a section of "Things that we know you'll love" that I could browse?

Lastly, their overhead music would be my favorite hits so that I could sing, hum, whistle, and generally bop.along to my jams while I was strolling the aisles.
10 months

Imagine one shop

It would be quite convenient I’ll give it that!
10 months
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