
How fast heavy cream will effct?

Hi, today I tried chugging cream and It wasen't that bad! I drinkied about 1000 calories of it, Im planning to do so for one week among normal eating. How fast I will see a diffrence? Is here someone more familiar with cream?
9 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

I started it recently. Drank 1 liter a day mixed with 1 liter of chocolate milk for better taste. Around 2000 calories.

After around 2 weeks I gained 4 kilos.
9 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

The thick cream does its job, it does gain weight, but you have to be consistent about it. In my experience I also gained 4 or 5 kilos in two weeks. There are powders that bring 1200 calories per 330 grams (mine are like that) and they are very effective.

What I recommend is to drink a lot of water and not skip any meal, since this is a dietary supplement, you can not take a shake to replace your meal.

My feeder recommended me to look for good ingredients, as I bought some powders some time ago but they made me sick to my stomach and eventually I saw that they were withdrawn from the market because it was not suitable for human consumption (xd) so look for quality.
9 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

it did wonders for me about 3 years ago, started again sunday, almost down 2 quarts so far, started off with 41 inch belly and 193 libs sunday
9 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

but now 4 days into it i weigh 189 with a 42 inch jigglier belly
8 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

Hi, today I tried chugging cream and It wasen't that bad! I drinkied about 1000 calories of it, Im planning to do so for one week among normal eating. How fast I will see a diffrence? Is here someone more familiar with cream?

As others have mentioned, heavy cream works best as a calorie supplement. You should still eat as normal. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough, then you are drinking too much.

Heavy cream sits heavy in your stomach. So some people use it as an appetite suppressant. Keep that in mind if you don't see results. Some people have more success cooking with heavy cream instead of drinking it.
8 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

188 and a 42.5 inch much jigglier belly at this rate ill be 100 lbs and a 55 inch belly, heavy cream is weird
8 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

I use heavy cream years ago. It were 3 weeks and week break during 2 months.
1/3 liter per day - about 1000 additional kcal.

It was crazy time because then I drank heavy cream, GOMAD and eat bigger meals.

Drinking a gallon of milk every day sounds like far more trouble than it's worth.

Your profile says you are Polish. Milk costs on average 4.35 zlotzy per liter. 4.35 zlotzy comes out to about $1.09. This doesn't seem too bad until you remember that a liter is about a fourth of a gallon. So that brings it to about 17.40 zlotzy or $4.36. That comes out to 121.80 zlotzy or $30.52 for a week's supply of milk.

And that's assuming you can fit all the milk inside your fridge. Maybe you don't mind multiple trips to the store, but a lot of people try to go at least once a week.

All that aside, the GOMAD diet is actually dangerous.
8 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

I use heavy cream years ago. It were 3 weeks and week break during 2 months.
1/3 liter per day - about 1000 additional kcal.

It was crazy time because then I drank heavy cream, GOMAD and eat bigger meals.

Drinking a gallon of milk every day sounds like far more trouble than it's worth.

Your profile says you are Polish. Milk costs on average 4.35 zlotzy per liter. 4.35 zlotzy comes out to about $1.09. This doesn't seem too bad until you remember that a liter is about a fourth of a gallon. So that brings it to about 17.40 zlotzy or $4.36. That comes out to 121.80 zlotzy or $30.52 for a week's supply of milk.

And that's assuming you can fit all the milk inside your fridge. Maybe you don't mind multiple trips to the store, but a lot of people try to go at least once a week.

All that aside, the GOMAD diet is actually dangerous.

Mathing gonna math - lol

I'm giving my MVP trophy to Munchies for not only doing the money conversion, but then the metric one, too!
8 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

Mathing gonna math - lol

I'm giving my MVP trophy to Munchies for not only doing the money conversion, but then the metric one, too!

I joke that I hate math, but I be out here doing calculations when nobody asked.

But yeah. I've been seeing the GOMAD diet floating about. It's bad. I wish it would go away. It's on par with some of the other stupid trends like guzzling olive oil, eating butter by the stick, or eating table sugar by the cup. There's a reason why you don't hear about people doing that shit anymore.

Even heavy cream, the so-called "golden fattening liquid" isn't as revered as it once was. Sure people still consume it, but they are being much smarter about it.

Turns out, getting fat is no fun if you're feeling miserable. And if you're miserable, you're not going to stick to it.
8 months
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