
What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

Like i said just wondering what it il like to be a gainer like you know everything you eat gonna make you fater but also at the same time people look at you? Or if it's even like that? How do i know if i want to gain?
10 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

For me so far, there is an exhilaration that goes along with altering your body. I've never had a tattoo or a piercing, but I would think that there is a similar "high" to doing something that physically alters your body in a more permanent way. My love language is touch, so there is also a self-pleasure in noticing that there is now more of me than there was before.

I also feel slightly shameful and embarrassed because I know that society in FAR more judgemental about fat and weight gain than our reinforcing echo chamber here in FF - but that also kind of arouses me and I get slight shivers when anyone observes in any way that I look like I've gained weight.

Maybe there is a twinge of enjoyed naughtiness for doing something that the authorities in life tell me that I shouldn't do?

There are some moments of doubt, though - it's not like I can flip a switch and be 50 pounds lighter. I'd be lying if I said that I occasionally will make a conscious effort to eat in a more healthy and weight-loss minded way.

So... a mix of pleasure with a twinge of guilt?
10 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

Like i said just wondering what it il like to be a gainer like you know everything you eat gonna make you fater but also at the same time people look at you? Or if it's even like that? How do i know if i want to gain?

An important indicator is whether you are upset/concerned, neutral or excited about having gained some weight. Being a gainer does not necessarily mean that you’re always eating to gain weight. It could also be that you just welcome the gain that happens naturally because you enjoy eating. I consider myself a gainer, not because I have always throughout my entire life wanted to gain large amounts of weight and eaten for the sole purpose of gaining; but rather because I love food and eating and have welcomed various amounts of weight gain over the years as a result of that. I am proud of my fat as a sign of enjoying my life the way I want to.
10 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

For me it was inevitable that I’d be fat my metabolism got seriously f’ed from years of cutting weight I just got to accepting that fact I was fat guy rather than torturing myself it was impossible to drop weight without essentially starving myself, as in literally. Also somewhere along the way I got hit with this insatiable gluttony that I can’t for the life of me explain.

Yeah people might make comments but you gotta ask yourself honestly and truthfully if those words are true and then ask yourself where the words people spew at you are coming from are they hatefilled? Are they concerned for your health? Etc eventually they will stop it’ll happen probably around the time you learn to accept yourself at which point you just roll with it unless it’s hateful that’s when you eat them 😈
10 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

And you gotta love to eat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone successfully gain without very large appetite, the powders and shakes etc etc are hard to stick with
10 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

I think there's something hooligan about getting fat by wanting to get fat. It's like you're going against your health and medical advice in general. I don't know how to explain it, but it motivates me a lot.
10 months